The little joys...

Nov 17, 2022 21:04

Happy Feast Day Parish Fam!!!  HAHAHAHA!!!  Fr. I and I greeted each other.  I was then greeted in Family chat by the Aunt.  Mom also greeted me.  :)

I then posted my tribute to my parish, but then realized after the fact I forgot to include my baptism pic.  So I had to delete it even after it sent a notification to my other accounts.  Woopsies!!!  I need to tag my photos so it's not so hard to find specific ones.

Ugh...  So tired.  I seriously just want to sleep.  Like I feel so drained.  I may or may not have allergies?  2 days ago after I went up to eat my eyes started burning... I thought it might be because I ate onions or something else.  Or...  It may have just been something in the house proper than caused my eyes to tear up.  Yesterday I was completely fine.  Today...  I walk into work and...  Pretty soon after my eyes start burning and tearing.  I'm sniffling.  Ugh.  Dying!!!  Aside from the eye burning, my eyes felt irritated.  Like... I didn't think it started in my nose and spread up.  Either way...  I decided to take an antihistamine.  And...  Once again, soon after my eyes stopped bother me.  I did continues to have residual sniffles, but I wasn't like blowing my nose all day.  Anyway...  All that has zapped me of energy and I just want to sleep.  But...  Tita Carmen is coming, so I want to wait up for her, to show my face, then head up.  But yeah...  Back on the possible allergies.  Like...  I've never had allergies.  I don't know if it's a temp thing or for some reason some allergen is higher than usual and I hit a threshold, but ugh...

Cameron Bertuzzi is converting to Catholicism...  I mean, I heard of him through Catholic youtube channels / podcasts.  He has a Christian Apologetics ministry.  I believe he's Evangelical, but "preaches" more of a "Mere Christianity" thing.  Like...  The bare minimum you need to claim you're a Christian.  But then as I said, I discovered him through Catholic circles and he seemed open in the sense that he wasn't AntiCatholic.  Accepting us as fellow Christians.  At one point he said he would never convert even when he understood the Catholic view point because his wife, partly because she is the daughter of a evangelical pastor and is an active part of his church, etc.  But then later...  He had this sort of checklist and he slowly went through his difficulties with Catholicism, the Saints and Mary.  I think his final sticking point was papal authority.  But yeah...  I think Matt Fradd is premiering a vid tonight announcing his conversion or rather an announcement he's started RCIA in Sept and intends to be confirmed at Easter.  Fans are now calling for Gospel Simplicity to convert.  HAHAHAHa!!!

Someone from #CatholicTwitter posted last nights (?) Final Jeoparty question about which letter from Paul had the most quotations from the Old Testament and...  The "Correct" answer was Hebrews.  So I went to verify with #AuntChat what the answer was.  And yup, 7500centfish said it was Hebrews.  But...  Paul didn't write Hebrews.  We don't know who wrote it...  So I wonder if a correction was made or a clarification.  Supposedly the real answer is Romans.

Wait, what???  Aubrey from TAR is Filipino!?!  I would have never guessed!  They had some fish challenge and she mentions she was raised in a Filipino household (so is she half something?) and seeing her Grandmother eat fish turned her off.  Anyway, I assumed she was some sort of Hispanic...  #racist!

Dream.  I remember being in some video store.  I might have been working there?  And I noticed a box set of Sailor Moon Blurays was open and 2 of the disks were missing.  I feel like it was the same dream, but I was then talking to someone / trying to explain why John 6, the whole "It is the spirit that gives life, while the flesh is of no avail." isn't a negation of the true presence.  I then remember praying a lot.  At one point I remember praying a Hail Mary, praying the first part, but then not getting a response for the Holy Mary and got tired / semi woke up before praying it myself.

#racist, #auntchat, #catholictwitter, podcasts, st e, dream, medical, catholicism

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