Good morning my LJ peeps!

Oct 30, 2022 14:59

How was Mass?

Lol...  Whenever I send a text to family chat or the like I always say, "that's me" when it goes through on Mom's phone.  Mom asked what group I was texting.  "Family Chat, my 'How was Mass?' text."  Mom then said Tita Evelyn will be the only one to respond.  When she did I laughed and confirmed Mom's statement.  Mom then said, Tita E responds because she knows I have a secret agenda to convert... want the cousins to respond so she keeps the thread going.  HAHAHAHA!!!  I then shared this with 7500centfish, who responded, "See Tita Evelyn loves you."  I then responded with, "So she forgives me for grabbing her face?"  HAHAHAHA!!!

Post Mass Post!!!

Hm...  Sitting in church.  8:55 short priest comes out.  Yeah, not Fr. I.  As always I'm a little annoyed.  And...  Maybe I'm spoiled and we have had him, and him alone for a long time.  So...  I shouldn't be complaining.  Anyway...

Visiting priest was from Ghana, by way of a parish in EI.  His accent was hard!!!  He seemed energetic which made the accent even harder to understand.  But yeah...  One of the first things he said in his homily was that no one is beyond God's grace.  He then talked of Zacchaeus wanting to see Jesus, but that's not enough we need to encounter him.  He talked of...  We see him as a priest, but we won't know who he is unless we get to know him.  Same with celebrities on TV.  But then he was talking about the trees we climb being...  Almost like sin or a stumbling block that we must come down from to encounter Jesus.

Post Mass Breakfast at McD.  As I was waiting for my order I remembered they brought back the bagel sandwiches so...  I ended up buying that as well and giving my original order, the Egg McMuffin to Mom.

Mom is out gallivanting with her Doctor friends.  Kathy offered to drive her so I'm missing out on Chinese buffet food.

Plans for today...  Doing my files and the like.

I wrote this a few days ago, but didn't post...  Read the church bulletin.  They're having a brick walk and...  I'd love to have one.  It's $250 one time.  But then...  It's different from a perpetual candle, as it's not meant to be a constant offering of prayer, but just a memorial stone or more a...  I was here kind of thing.  So...  I don't even know what we would put.  Like the one we have in HH is our names and where we're from, but...  We live here so it doesn't really make sense to write where we're from.  And it's not like I even frequent that area.  FYI, it's by the statue of Mary on the "great lawn" of the church.  Maybe if it were in the entrance way from the parking lot it would make a bigger difference to me.  Anyway, yeah, got to think on it.  Maybe our names?  Like including Dad?  [Today.]  So I mentioned it to Mom as we drove into church.  She immediately said we'd get one.  "So what are we putting on our brick?"  Mom was like just the 3 of us.  "What about Dad!?!"  So I think I worked it out to put...

M... Family
C... 7500centfish

7500centfish said, "That works".  Lol.

Hahaha...  Like night and day!!!  So last night...  We have been praying the rosary for the month of October and before we started last night, Mom said we're gonna continue to pray every night.  This sends me into a rage.  Not verbally so, but mentally.  Well, I was slamming things...  When I went up / even as I went to sleep, I had thoughts / plans of screaming at my mother when the time comes.  I've said it again and again, I don't like praying the Rosary, esp in groups.  Like...  Why does she need me to pray?  I already pray, etc, etc.  And...  *sigh*  I know what I need to do, but...  Ugh.  I need to respect my mother.  I need to incline my will.  And...  I struggle.  I may be mad.  It may be a burden.  But...  I'm doing it because my mother asks.  Like I may not get it.  It may be mindless.  But...  At least for now, it's because my mother asks.  And it's so weird...  Like...  I had thoughts of...  I didn't want to pray last night.  I didn't want to listen to Matt Maher.  I wanted to scrap it all.  But then I thought it was "funny" that the devil was using prayer to effect my relationship with God.  He was taking my joy of prayer away.  Either way, I'm feeling good at the moment, with Mom and with God.

Someone posted on reddit [ twitter] posted a pic of Mass at the tomb of St. Edward the Confessor at Westminster Abbey.  FYI...  Westminster Abby is now Anglican, but they have allowed Catholic Mass to be said at his tomb on his feast day.  But I hadn't seen anything about it since covid and even then maybe since 2013?  So good to see it's still happening, even under a new monarch.  There is talk of it possibly not happening because King Charles may give the head of the church to the Archbishop of Canterbury and not keep it with the monarchy.  Someone then posted another vid of another Anglican cathedral allowing Mass.  We'll slowly take our churches back one Mass at a time!  Lol!  Oh interesting...  That Mass is for St. Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury.  Someone somewhere else said Mass was said for King Richard III when they found his bones, but I can't seem to find proof of that.  The official vid seems to be some Anglican service.  Anyway...  Now I'm wondering if there are other Sts / feast days where Catholics are allowed to celebrate yearly in a now Anglican church.

Another Reddit post.  Someone asking why is communism bad.  Mentioning their country being saved through communism, used it to fight Spanish and American colonization.  Where is this???  Looking into OP's history.  Oh, the Philippines.  Was that really communism???  Can't currently find the thread.  Might have been deleted?  Found it in my history, yes it was removed.  Someone does mention the Philippines was not Communist, but it seems like there is a want to overthrow the current government for a communist one.  Lol.  Everyone is thinking OP is Cuban and not Filipino.  Then being confused as I am because the Philippines is not and has never been communist.  Ugh...  I don't know how to link it because reddit on desktop doesn't have my history!  Found it!  Why are we scared of Communism.  cc 7500centfish

  • Oh yeah...  I was actually taller than the priest and thought I might have to bend a bit / curtsy as I receive.  But yeah, a slight bend was good enough.
  • Why am I lolling at Matt Maher trying to get his ipad back from Delta.  He's like...  I know it's in terminal A.  Now it's in Terminal B...  In other news...  I have not seen "Matt Maher" at Mass in weeks.  saf dace.  LOL...  Sad Face!
  • catholicism, st e, prayer, scissors, familiy chat, sunday mass tweet

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