Doing stuff...

Sep 15, 2022 21:22

Made the check up for our candle.  But I'm once again thinking of emailing the church asking if I can just drop it off in the collection basket vs mailing it in.  I'm also thinking of just putting it in their mailbox before I head off to work...  Laziness!!!

I also received the script from my GYN, except it's for a transvaginal US.  Um...  So yeah, I emailed them for a new script.

Dream.  We went to some restaurant and because we were such a large group they brought us into a separate room.  It was downstairs from the regular restaurant and...  It seemed to be like the chef's personal kitchen / space.  While we were waiting to be seated there was also a French bulldog and...  I don't really remember what it was doing, but it was pretending to be a statue and had on human clothes, like a button down shirt and a black tie, like it was a butler or servant.  I then remember later coming to the restaurant to pick up an order Mom had made.  It was just a soup, in a Chinese take out pint container.  But when I saw the receipt I was shocked at how much it cost.  It totaled to over $50!  But the fact the soup itself cost 11 something, I just accepted it and paid.  It didn't seem like a separate dream...  But I also remember watching or being at some lecture where Bishop Barron was explaining his "hope all might be saved".  Like...  I legit don't understand why people don't get it and call him a heretic.

The Fisherman's Tomb...  cc 7500centfish  I'm not even an anthropologist / archaeologist, but I'm getting angry!  Freaking talking about not cataloging, taking pictures, etc.  Ignoring this "Graffiti Wall" which I guess after the fact they realized Constantine had built around to protect.  Like they were describing the structure Constantine built wasn't a neat rectangular building to house the tomb, but it was asymmetrical to include a red wall and the Graffiti Wall.  It seems like it was almost completely disregarded.  They also mention at some point it seemed like they were finding tombs that encapsulated tombs.  The inner / smaller one being older than the previous.  There was a Renaissance altar that they found dating around 1600, which preceded the current St. Peter's.  Hm...  I thought it was built in the 1500s???  Like...  How can there be no records of that?  And suddenly found 500 years later?  I had to stop because it was my 3 to 4 page limit...  But it was getting interesting.  They were beginning to talk about the lady who they keep hinting at.  Seems like she's an expert in ancient writing, so when they talk about the Graffiti Wall, I suspect she'll have something to say about it.  Also, the title of where I left off is no bronze sarcophagus and no silver cross...  Excited!  Lol...  And I started the recap with being enraged!

Google just sent me an auto made album entitled "Silent Reflection" with pictures I took inside churches.  I mean, ok...  But, yeah no.  I guess it's the secular notion of what happens in churches?  That it's some quiet place to meditate / commune with God.  Like I said, OK, but...  Not at all!!!  Especially if we're talking about Mass.  Like there is an altar, we are making a sacrifice!

I was looking at Instacart / Amazon Fresh to see what I needed.  It's Friday, so I don't need my breakfast sandwiches right now.  But I thought if I get them I'd get them at costco next time because it's cheaper than Amazon.  But then...  It costs to have it delivered.  Is it worth it?  I was then thinking...  Should I get the Instacart+?  It's 9.99 a month...  Am I gonna buy enough to make it worth it?  Deliver at this point has been 5.99...  If I get a delivery more than once a month it might be worth it.  Maybe I just need to stop being lazy!

I was gonna buy Mom's mug for delivery, but shipping is 12 bucks!  Uh...  No.

One of the Aunts has a creepy doll!  When I went to help Tita Carmen that night, I noticed a creepy doll on one of their suitcases.  In my awkward walk out of the room I said, "What's with the creepy doll?"  HAHAHAHa!!!

In other news...  I wonder what they told Jennie about.  Tita Carmen asked me what I was drinking adding, she told Jennie I'm always drinking something red.  What else did they say about me?  That I wake them up in the AM blasting Matt Maher from the shower?  HAHAHAH!!!

Random lunch convo with Dr. L.  He said he went to Fire Island 2 times recently.  Said it was nice and I should bring my dog there.  Uh...  What dog?  I don't even think I told them about Ginger.  He then complained that Jones Beach is trash and everyone is smoking weed.

I keep forgetting I want to comment on DMs, etc...  I sent 7500centfish a twitter post about donuts soaked in rum / maple.  I'd oddly eat them...  Like I have this weird thing for rum cake.  I don't drink, but I eat my liquor!  HAHAHAHa!!!  I dunno...  I just found rum cake to be very moist / to my liking.  Yum.

Wait...  We can have goats?

Scott Bakula on the new QL series...

Suddenly craving cupcakes...

catholicism, books, buy me stuff, dream

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