
Aug 23, 2022 21:30

It's mah berfday!!!  It's been good...

Free birthday candle from Yankee Candle!!!

Part of me was more excited for my name day than my birthday...  I wondered if there are different prayers for name days vs regular memorials.  Like...  It's the Feast / Memorial of St. Rose of Lima.  But the fact she is my name saint, can I elevated it to a solemnity?  I think Feast days are categorized as Memorials or Solemnities, the solemnities being the higher form.  Solemnities start the night before...  The prayers used are like a Sunday.  Either way...  I did the "regular" Memorial prayers.  Lol...  I noticed Mom was typing something to Family chat, but I stopped her because I wanted to post my prayer request first!  HAHAHAA!!!  But yeah...  I was waiting till I got my spiritual reading in before I responded to greetings.

Lol.  7500centfish told me she got distracted for the 823 dance this AM.  Mom was then confused so I had to explain it to her.  I just keep seeing 8:23, it makes me happy so I do a chair dance, AKA just wiggle in my seat.  Lol...

Marna had flowers at my desk when I arrived.  She then went out and got me a balloon, a tiara and a sash.  She then ordered Italian for lunch.  OMG!  So much food!  She got fettuccine Alfredo for my "noodles for long life", pasta shells, meat balls, sausages, garlic knots, Italian bread, salad.  Nom nom...  As I said in my previous entry, I was planning to buy Italian myself, so...  I ended up just going to Carvel and getting my cake!  Watched Mom eat, then we cut my cake.  Yeah, that's pretty much my day.

St. Rose of Lima, pray for us...

prayer, familiy chat

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