Aug 02, 2022 21:04

HAHAHAHA!!!  I posted a pic of me as a baby in an Indian headdress, with that as a caption.  Partly because it's cute and also as a "comment" on Pope Francis wearing a headdress.  Of course the RadTrads are like he's not a real pope, etc.  *sigh*  Of course Fr. I faves it.  Did he get it?  HAHAHAHA!!!

Dream.  I was in some apartment building and Jennie and Fam, like everyone including her parents, moved into an apartment.  But then...  There was something about me having a key to another apartment and wanting to steal a ring.  I entered the apartment and the ring was in a dish and I kept walking past it trying to find an opportunity to take it / passing doorways without trying to be seen.  I then grab the ring.  But then when I tried to leave I could see through (not that the doors were see through, like I can anticipate what was on the other side) and the home owners, etc were on the other side of the door ready to confront me.  Knowing both doors were blocked I "surrendered".  But then I made some excuse like...  My family used to live there and that's why I had a key that I didn't know they had moved out, etc.  And then...  It flash forwarded to later and I was friends with this family and was just in their house randomly wandering around.

Huge spiderweb in the walkway when I left the house.  In addition there was a huge spider!  KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!  Lol.  I ended up walking on the grass.  7500centfish then said, "Liz would have run through the web."  HAHAHAHA!!!  Yes, Liz is my stronger, bolder self.

I almost fell into a Shoujo anime rabbit hole.  Like I was honestly starting to have feelings like...  I need a boy friend, I want to be in love, etc, etc.  And I don't know...  I'm not sure it's the right word, but it also felt "toxic".  I'm confused.  In a sense, I felt a sadness and...  Yeah, I don't want to go down that road.

Mom turned on the Mets game, but now all I see is chair...

JD Davis was traded.  I liked him.  But it seems like via the Tweets, his time was due, he wasn't producing much and I'm sure he didn't really have a spot on the field.

Pope Michael died...  I really shouldn't be laughing!  kumquatqueen says he's in fake heaven made of cardboard cut outs.  No, that's the FedEx Pope!

Tweet.  I have no friends...  I had to laugh the comments say the same.

dream, mets thoughts

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