I saw "Matt Maher" today...  😄

Jul 31, 2022 14:24

He sat across the aisle again, but in the pew behind.  cc 7500centfish

Same visiting priest.  I was oddly looking forward to Mass even when Fr. I is away.  My love for God >>> My love for Fr. I.  Lol.  Anyway, Mass actually wasn't that bad.  I mean...  It was hard to understand the priest at times because of his accent.  OMG!  LOL!!!  So the lector speed read the reading so it was like...  "VanityofvanitiessaysQohelethvanityofvanities!Allthingsarevanity!"  She semi slowed down for the 2nd reading, but not so much.  LOL!  But then the priest repeated that 3 times in his homily, and even in the original language (or Latin?  Yeah, I should probably know...  It sounded Latin to me, but then he mentioned "in the original language").  But yeah, all the readings were about how things of the earth are meaningless, nothing.  Look to things of Heaven.  I mean, on my end, Mass was kosher.  He didn't dance before the Our Father.  But once again, the Eucharistic ministers has to self commune?  Or didn't commune at all???

Once again, I might tan today.  But I also want to nap...

I went on a reddit comment spree!  There was a post this AM prior to church, actually last night?  But because it was on r/AskAPriest, commoners aren't allowed to make primary comments, but can only comment on comments.  So...  Someone asked if athletes, like baseball players who commonly have games on Sunday, are they exempt from the Sunday obligation.  No.  OP also added if they need to abstain from playing that day.  The priest said not necessarily to the 2nd half, but then also gave options on getting to Mass, the night before, after, etc.  Possibly even a dispensation.  This AM I commented that all MLB stadiums offer Mass for the staff / players.  I also added we had a visiting priest who was Chaplain for the Islanders.  I didn't mentioned them by name, but just said an NHL team.  Another post was asking when you go to Mass.  I came home seeing a response asking for me to pray for them when I go.  Woops!  Someone asked about getting a Mass intention and being asked if they wanted their name attached to it or something along those lines.  Another comment was it typically isn't published, but then someone else said it is...  I told them of my thing where my info was given to someone who saw my Mass intention and wanted confirmation Tita A had died.  So...  And the last is about Catholic school and sacraments.  Kid goes to a Catholic school and the Mom is just finding out, although there is religious education they don't really prep for sacraments.  Asking her parish...  The kid should have been enrolled a year prior for 1st communion.  Once again, I tell my story of my confirmation, how they used whatever I learned in school as good enough for the confirmation prep.  So maybe they can work something out with the parish / school to get the kid communed.

I forgot, I'm still "on call".  Marna texted me saying I can text her before 2:30 and then wifi after 8.  I don't understand the difference...  But yeah, the only person who called was this AM saying they forgot to pick up the kid's school form and will be away all week.  They'll pick it up when they get back.  And you needed to call on a Sunday, why?

  • Chaco!
  • a pet, france, ca. 1503-1508
  • catholicism, st e, crush, sunday mass tweet

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