Marna wants to take me on vacation...

Jul 25, 2022 20:27

But I'm also her backup so...

I'm so tired / in pain.  As I've called it before I feel like it's my prewater drinking pain where I was in pain every day.  Like...  It's a low grade, but constant energy zapping pain.  I just want to sleep.  But...  As yesterday, well not as bad, it's too hot to sleep right now.  I feel like I drank a lot this weekend due to the heat, but I still feel dehydrated.  No appetite.  Ugh.

Anyway, like I said, Marna wants to take me on vacay.  We then had an awkward convo about vacation.  She said I deserve to go on vacay because I work so hard.  Today she was literally throwing things at me like I had nothing to do.  No it's just added to my preexisting pile.  Anyway...  She wanted me to get away for the summer.  I guess Vegas is enough?  She then asked if 7500centfish goes on vacation.  Yes, but...  She says Mom and I should go for long weekends within driving distance and the like.  But yeah, it was awkward because I had stuff to do and Marna kept talking.

I guess they are leaving on Wednesday?  Or Tuesday after hours?  I don't know.  But we only have an MD on 2 of the 4 days.

Random comments.

As I said, I suspected we'd have a different priest for Mass.  It was a trend prior to covid whoever did the 5PM Mass listened to confessions, skipped on the 8AM which we went to.  So...  Would I rather have my priest in confession or at Mass?  I mean, as long as it's not a Novus Ordo nightmare, I'd rather have him in confession.  Well compared to the other priest he has covering for him...

Mom attended a Zoom "celebration of Life" for one of her Dr. Friends' kid.  He was 45...  Heart attack.  Anyway...  I swear!  If someone throws me a "Celebration of Life"!  I don't even remember where it was...  But there was a guy who wrote on his memorial cards, like...  Don't celebrate my life, pray for me.  Seriously...  Like all outward appearances people may think I'm pius and have a ticket to heaven, but no.  Pray for me!  Offer Masses!  Like seriously...  I worry because of the younger generation not knowing, I have to make my own plans if not just my wishes known.  That being said, even when it was "Celebration", the parents were very much strengthened by God.  Oh and for some reason everyone claims Mom wasn't there???  Her camera was on.  And I unmuted it when it was her turn, so...  LOL!!!  Someone then said they'd continue to pray for their son for the rest of their life.  Which prompted the father to say, "Stay alive".  HAHAHAHA!!!

As I said I've been reading a chapter of the bible a day and...  Is the entire OT just about the Jews being stiff necked and turning away from God?  Like it feels redundant.

The Bishop is doing his rounds and...  He was in Sag Harbor.  Lol.  Was Keith there?  I can't find sauces.  But...  I'm pretty sure he's Catholic / he did mention lighting a candle for Ronnie when he had his health issue.  So...  It makes sense.

For some reason I've seen 3 cars with a specific Catholic bumper sticker.  It's like a scroll shaped sticker with Catholicism est. 33AD or something.  I saw one in the Long Horn parking lot and 2 while driving.

Way random comment.  I don't like the new Off.  It's like a dry spray or something.  I don't feel like it's as effective.  I was still eaten up on Sat.  Then this AM my legs were covered with a white powder.  It feels like that time we went off roading in the dessert.  Like I'm covered with fine dust.

Fam chat.  Feast of St. James.  I posed a clip of Happy Papa Benny.  I miss him...  7500centfish then asked when we're walking the Camino.  Unless you want to drag me the whole way...  I would die!

It was so hot I had my scrub pants rolled up and walked around the office not caring.

Marna fixed the office cam...

  • Tantum Ergo...
  • Yes...
  • Please tell me the Monkees are in this.
  • catholicism, st e, private kinda, familiy chat, work stuffs, medical

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