I don't even know where to go with this entry...

Apr 16, 2022 18:43

Woke up and did my normal AM set of prayers.  Showered.  Ate breakfast.  Mom went out this AM to get blood drawn / was back in time.  We went to Morning prayer at the church.  It was the 2 deacons that presided (? Is that the correct word?).  Fr. I was hiding in the back.  They had booklets, but I mostly followed along with my breviary and of course did a #breviaryviews.  Lol.  That being said...  It was a little awkward.  I guess my "fantasy" is to pray it with people who know?  In a more religious setting and not among just lay people.  Because like...  They don't know to bow, cross themselves at certain parts.  I mean...  I was clueless, but you learn.  I'm sure I'm not 100%...  But like...  They kept repeating the antiphon after Deacon Paul would say it when we should have been saying it together.  The 1st time it confused the other deacon and we totally missed the 1st stanza of the psalm.  I dunno...  I feel like I'm complaining.  Anyway, they also had a ceremony.  I guess we have 1 guy being baptized and another who is completing her sacraments.  I think they do it at the 5, because once when I went to confession they had oil out.

Afterward went to Rite Aid to pick up my meds.  The tech asked me if I had insurance.  Yes...  I spoke to someone yesterday, etc, etc.  Basically they had to run it by the pharmacist again to fix the insurance issue and I got it no problem.

I thought Mom wanted to go to the cemetery today.  But nope, just tomorrow.  Still don't know where we will eat.  Mom mentioned Red Lobster.  On Easter???  Also CPK.

In other news...  I kinda feel like dressing up, but...  It's also gonna be 46 degrees.  So, I dunno.  If I do I will change afterward.

Mom was having thoughts of going to the Vigil.  No...  I mean, aside from the times x and y was confirmed I went once and I couldn't with all the music / pageantry.  She's worried about them coming tomorrow, but Tito Abe still has to do the 8AM Mass, so...

Ugh...  I want my coffee.  But I might not even get breakfast if they are coming.  And if I do, it won't be my big breakfast.

So we went to church yesterday and when I was stopped at the light I noticed the guy behind had a rosary hanging from his rearview mirror.  I half wondered if he was going to church as well.  The guy looked young, had lightish brown hair...  By the time I pulled into the church he was further back.  But then...  Did I see him pull into the parking lot?  Anyway, it was more when he got out of the car.  OMG...  That's the new deacon.  He looked unrecognizable because with the light shining into the car his hair looked light brown vs dark.  Plus...  He just looked way younger!  Anyway...  OMG, Lol...  He's seen my bumper with all my "stickers".  My Vatican flag, my "Keep Mass in Christmas", "Sundays are for the Lord".  We definitely made eyes contact in the parking lot even if at a distance.  HAHAHAHA!!!

I've been having a lot of pain recently.  Similar if not the same to my prewater drinking days.  Flank pain.  Pelvic pain...  I haven't had my period since I've been on meds.  I wonder if my body is trying to get back to that normal or maybe I'm still having the issue where I don't have my period for 3 months then start bleeding out like crazy.  I don't know...  I also don't feel like I've been drinking as much as I should.  I barely drink at home, so I drink maybe 8 glasses at work.  Try to drink 3 more, but end up putting the rest in a cup which sits on my side table overnight.

Finished No Greater Love.  I actually liked it.  At first I thought it was horrible because it would basically parallel things in paragraph form, then put the same info in charts.  But then later in the book it stopped with that and just told things straight.  Like I said, I liked the thing about the Garden of Eden.  Then it focused on Jesus' 7 Last Words.  Just mentioning stuff I've never heard before.

I think I might try to continue my Lenten "fast" of not sleeping in.  Even when I'm not dilly dallying I'm beginning to feel rushed.  In addition, I might read my other Lenten read which I haven't touched much.  Edmund Campion.  I guess I can read it for Easter.  Chop it up into 40 days...  Yikes, that's 3 pages a day.  I think I can do more than that...

I kinda didn't want to mention it...  But I went up to nap and when I came down Mom was like...  What did she say?  The computer was infected?  She then said she called a number.  *sigh*  I immediately said, "Don't call the number!"  Like they're trying to scam her.  She then didn't want me to turn on the comp because the lady told her not to for an hour.  I was half expecting that someone to call an hour later and run a scam like Kitboga.  Not him...  But he pranks those types of scammers.  And of course I don't want to scream at Mom, plus she never listens to me, so I "run" to 7500centfish to deal with it.  Anyway, after 7500centfish talked to her I disconnected the interwebs and ran a scan.  Didn't find anything.  As I said, from all those scam prank vids, they basically get the info from you / get you to connect to your comp.  They run some scan disk thing making you think you have viruses or people with unauthorized access to your comp, etc.  They then convinced you to either log onto you bank account, getting your info or ask for payment via gift cards.  I wasn't around, but I don't think Mom gave them any bank info.  So...  I think we're safe for now.

Mom then complained about getting stuff from her charities again.  "Then stop sending them stuff."  7500centfish just wants me to throw it out.

  • Mom asked me what Fr. I said.  She was right there!  I texted the pic to her and 7500centfish and she didn't even realize I had taken it!
  • Mom called out the Creasters.  HAHAHAHA!!!

  • Easter and Passover...
  • Bees...
  • Discount code...
  • books, st e, prayer, private kinda, #breviaryviews, medical

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