I feel fat...

Mar 08, 2022 20:13

Yeah, I really shouldn't complain.  But that's how I was feeling yesterday.  Might be because I constantly feel bloated drinking all this water.  But at the same time...  When I look in the mirror...  I never thought I looked fat, even when I have a gut.  I dunno...  And like I said, I "fear" losing weight.  Like...  I legit remember times where I thought I could see rib and freak out.

Really bizarro dream last night.  And I just remember snippets.  Something about we were in Chicago at Tita Cora's except everyone from Chicago and "Chicago" lived there.  The quotes are like the way Lita Mia will always be Arizona and Jennie will always be Woodmere.  Those in Tennessee / Texas / California will always be "Chicago".  Anyway...  They were all there.  I remember having to move a black mattress, but because one entrance was blocked, I had to bring it out the garage, but then it turned out to be our garage and I brought it into our front door into the dinning room.  Then there was a random scene...  I was going up an outdoor wooden staircase and 7500centfish and someone else was standing at the top and I was being led by a "Zulu Warrior" carrying a coconut.  I was then commenting to 7500centfish, like, "Look!  It's a Country cuckoo clock codpiece zulu warrior carrying a coconut"...  I was then with the guy on a separate platform and we had to somehow gather all the coconuts on it.  Except it was like a ball pit, but instead of balls it had skulls and bones of the same weight (???).  Like they were actually bones, but they weighed as if they were balls in a ball pit.  I than had to jump back across, but the distance was too far.  Some really big guy like...  Andre the Giant grabbed me by the arm and stepped over as I jumped.  I actually missed, but because he was holding me he dragged me across.  It was onto a bed in Tita Cora's house.  The giant then went to sleep in the bed and I left the room to join the family.  It was now in Tita Cora's living room, which used to be Zach's workspace.  One wall still had a racing skin plastered on the wall and the back was still a wood working shop.  I then see geebs and Summer coming up some stairs from the basement.  Tito Abe then got some phone alert that sparkyboy and geebs kept calling each other, but that cost money so he said they should just facetime each other.  I then see sparkyboy coming down from upstairs.  Yeah, weird...

It's Tom Chaplin's bday so I had to listen to Keane.  OMG...  I was listening to On A Day Like Today.  It made me really miss playing the piano.  Like I almost started crying just thinking of playing.  And...  It's very much similar to the feeling I get of "intense" love for God once in a while.  It was a weird realization.  But seriously...  Piano is such a catharsis.  Like I can totally sit and play and start crying.  I miss my piano.

I came into work and Marna was saying , "Dr. L is begging you to work Saturday."  I didn't even get a chance to say anything...  This Saturday?  Marma is always complaining about the new girl not being good / having no one on Saturday practically.  Anyway, it was for the Sat Dr. L is going to a conference abroad.  Basically he got an MD to cover in office so he needs me there.  I forgot to tell Marna I rescheduled my eye appt.  As I said, my eyes will be dilated and I couldn't function and had to sleep it off.

Word on Fire is working on something having to do with the Liturgy of the Hours.  Interesting...  I wonder what...  Will it be their own volume?  The USCCB is retranslating it and it's not expected to be ready any time soon.  So...  Will it be video of the prayers?  I dunno.  We'll see.  I do love all things WOF.

Mom greeted Fam Chat with Happy International Woman's Day and all I can think of when I hear International Woman is Carmen Sandiego!  Lol...  I'm a horrible woman.  As I said...  I have a hard time identifying with other women.  Nor do I buy into these fake holidays.

Tom Bday Spam.

keane, piano, prayer, familiy chat, dream

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