Survey's galore

Jul 22, 2002 23:33

XFiles Survey

1. What was your favorite season? 4th. Many of my favorite Episodes. Paper Hearts, Memento Mori, Small Potatoes, Demons.

2. Since the show is over, do you still look back on old memories of past shows or do you look to the future of new shows to watch? Both.

3. Name one good thing you learned from watching XF. That I'm insane. I dunno. The F=ma thing was helpful.

4. Name one bad thing you learned from watching XF. That I'm insane, obsessive, etc

5. Looking back over all the past episodes, which one will always stand out as a 'classic'? You can name more than one but no more than five. Paper Hearts. Hm... I also like Memento Mori, uh, Humbug. I mean some are my fave, but I wouldn't say classic. For example Bad Blood.

6. Do you think a show will ever surpass the quality of XF standards? Yes. Actually I think 24 is pretty good.

7. What is your all-time favorite line from XF? The life is like a Box of Chocolates speech.

8. Which XF guest actor will always stand out in your mind when you think of XF and will you look forward to future projects from that actor/ actress? Hm... Favorite guest actor was the guy who played Clyde Bruckman, but work I'd see? Hm... Maybe Luke Wilson. This was before he was what's her faces boy toy. Hm... Rodney Rowland, cause I liked Space Above and Beyond.

9. What will you miss the most about XF? Krycek. The good episodes.

10. How much would you be willing to pay for a complete set of all the seasons of XF on DVD with deleted scenes and bloopers? Hm... well each season is 149.99. I got 2 seasons for about 50 each so, 50 times 9. There were 9 seasons right?

Another one

1. What's on your bedside table?
Hm... Well it's not really a bed side table, just a desk. I have my computer and stuff, pens, a little altar, various junk.

2. What's the geekiest part of your music collection?
Hm... I guess pretty much everything. Maybe Air Supply or Michael Ball.

3. What do you eat when you raid the fridge at night?
Usually just drinks.

4. What is your secret guaranteed weeping film?
Hm... I don't think I've ever cried during a film. Maybe almost when I first saw it, but something that would always make me cry? I think I'd become desensitized.

5. If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?
Hm... Lipo, mole removal if it got really ugly, but that was traumatic.

6. Do you have a completely irrational fear?
Nope. Don't think so.

7. What is the little physical habit that gives away your insecure moments?
Have no clue.

8. Do you ever have to beg?
I guess.

9. Do you have too many love interests?
Hm... Yes. Jamie Bamber, Ioan Gruffudd, Alessandro Nivola, Jude Law, Jonny Lee Miller, Ewan McGregor, Michael Ball, Guy Pearce, Christian Bale, Max Beesley, James D'Arcy, Colin Firth, Colin Farrell, Nicholas Lea. Too many! I probably forgot some. Haha. I'll just have to ask, durlxnemesis

10. Do you know anyone famous?
Not personally, but I have connections.

11. Describe your bed:
Hm... Uncomfortable. Well, it's ok, I don't think I can sleep well in any bed. Uh, plain. I don't know how to describe it. The mattress used to be part of my bunk bed and it has a space shuttle on it. It's just the bed and no back board or anything, cause I took down the bed and it's basically a mattress on some metal frame.

12. Spontaneous or plans?

13. Who should play you in a movie about your life?
Lea Salonga, basically cause she's a Flip. Hm... It can be a musical. I heard I may see her when she is on Broadway, yeah.

14. Do you know how to play poker?

15. What do you carry with you at all times?
Hm... My wallet, some CDs, a book.

16. How do you drive?

17. What do you miss most about being little?
Being simple. Everything is complicated now. Good answer. I guess innocence, no worries, etc.

18. Are you happy with your given name?
Sure. Well it is kinda plain, but I wouldn't change it.

19. What color is your bedroom?
Walls are grey, floor is pink. Trim is white.

20. What was the last song you were listening to?
Hm... It was on rotate between ABBA, Moulin Rouge and Strictly Ballroom. I then stopped that to watch Les Mis. I think it was some song with Fantine in it.

21. Have you ever been in a school play?
Just when required to. Like from the 1st to 8th grade. Usually had non speaking rolls / few lines.

22. Have you ever been in love?

23. Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?

24. Have you ever done any illegal drugs?
Alcohol? Before I was 21. Other than that, I think I smelled it. They were smoking it in the bathroom at school, my book smelled funny.

25. Do you think you're cute?

26. Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?

Saturday, July 13, 2002
6:59 P.M.

We played Who Wants to Be A Millionaire again. One round I got 150,000, 32,000 and 1,000! What the!?!

I was waiting for Christian Bale on Jay Leno. Actually sat through the show and he wasn't on. What the!?!

Went to sleep around 1, woke at 7. Still didn't find my pen or sunglasses.

Went to Church, took a pic of the brick.

Drove places. Have no clue where. I was asleep. We went to IHOP. I had the country omelette and 2 pancakes. I was surprised I could finish it. Usually I eat half. Tita Neng commented that they had smaller portions. She finished too.

So we drove some more. Slept some more. Lunch was at McDonalds. I actually did some reading. Got somewhat interesting when they mentioned Northager Abbey, then boring once again.

Next stop was Cape Canaveral. Home, well work of Major Nelson, Major Healey, and Doctor Bellows. Hm... Nelson or Healey? Nelson or Healey? Both make me giddy, but I'd have to say Tony.

That whole thing reminded me of a "Old Wall of Hotties" With the guys who were once hot that went down hill with old age. I'd have to put Larry Hagman, Bill Daily, Marlon Brando, Al Pachino. Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.

Dion says I need a Wall of Animals with Michael Ball, or he should go on the Wall of Old Hotties.

OK, back to Cape Canaveral, I was getting all giddy. We got to the booth, it closed in a hour. So we only paid 10 something instead of 26 something. Went straight to the gift shop. Didn't see anything worth buying. I'm thinking os starting a pin / patch collection for my gap bag. The adults were on line so we headed off on our own. The place is small and not worth the 26 bucks. I was content. Took pictures of rockets, saw inside the space shuttle. No one opened the cargo bay doors. I'm sad. Saw the adults. They wanted to walk around as well. So we went to the entrance, saw a little shop. Almost bought a pin. Remembered there were ones with names. So, we headed for the gift shop. It was way after 6. About 6:30. Line was long. There was this English woman in front of me. She was gonna buy a flag, but it was 12 something. I said I already had one, well a bandana. She then looked at me.


So out of the gift shop, saw Tito Abe, he was wondering where we were.

More driving, saw the map. Didn't remember the name of the place Tony Nelson lived. Saw the map and remembered it was Cocoa Beach.

I want to go to space camp.

I wanted to see Jim Weatherbee. I barely see anything about him on the web. He
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