Bruno loves his toys!!!

Dec 22, 2021 20:40

Hahaha!!!  Such a weirdo!!!  Got a card from Fr. I.  It was mostly generic Christmas greetings, but then he thanked me for the gift to himself and Bruno, adding, "Bruno loves his toys!!!"  I really got to switch to like gift cards or everyone is gonna end up with a pile of green dinosaur toys.  HAHAHAH!!!  I'm also completely amused that his stamp is "Espresso"!  FYI, he had this #EspressoForYourSoul thing going when he first started his instagram.  But weird...  He used DH for the town and not M.  Like...  I'm pretty sure the address I put was M.  Maybe he reflexively wrote DH because of DW as the street address?  Not like it made a difference.

I don't know what else to write...  I mean, I have notes, but...

Not much different from yesterday at work.  Swamped again.  We have patients scheduled till 9.  Marna asked that people be patient, we're trying to help etc.  I even offered appointments to people for tomorrow AM which weren't emergent, but people decline.  I'm like you might have to wait.  Marna said past 5 she wasn't even gonna answer the phone any more.  Usually she stops at 7.

Decided, against my better judgment to "nap" a bit before praying and just wake up and do it later.  I had been feeling...  Even when well rested I didn't like waking up and having to get up.  I kinda liked late night "TV" watching before a second sleep.  But so tired...

Haven't been remembering my dreams recently.


So amused!  My photo gallery ID'd a picture of my nativity scene / Jesus as food!  I then posted on Instagram, "I mean, He is in a manger!"  (FYI a manger is a feeding trough.)  I didn't go into the body of Christ and eating His flesh, but you get it...  Maybe the samsung pic algorithm knows more that I think!

Also amused...  In a previous entry I mentioned sometimes if you participate in x or y liturgy you get to skip out on Evening or Night prayer.  Turns out for Christmas, if you participate in Midnight Mass and the Office of Readings you can skip out on Night Prayer.  I don't do OOR so...  But then it also says Morning Prayer cannot be done directly after Midnight Mass, it must be done the "next" morning.  I love Catholicism!  Like...  It's thought of everything!  I probably can't find the meme...  But there is this pic of like someone grabbing for a balloon (?) which say some New Atheist thinking they crushed Catholicism, but then you back up and see someone holding the "New Atheist" and it says something like "The Catholic Church thought of this answer almost 2000 years ago".  Exactly!

Lol.  Our "patient" that is running for Governor wants Dr. L to campaign for him.  So I heard him talking to a military patient saying he's former military, look him up...  We're in Nassau and the "pt" is mostly Suffolk.  But then Dr. L like wants to try to get him to speak to APPNY.  I mean...  I can kinda see it being accepted, but at the same time...  The summer party, there was this one MD that was talking about his uncertainty with the vaccine and another was saying like...  I don't want to sound like it's negative, but it's the only description I can think of.  Like she kept "quoting the party line" "we encourage everyone to be vaccinated" at every hesitation he had.

  • Mom asked when 7500centfish was coming and said she moved the car to make room.  I then texted 7500centfish saying...  But I haven't parked yet.  What if I want to park closer to Mom?  Or perpendicular?  MUHAHAHAHA!
  • Jhumna texted asking what I thought Mom / the Aunts sizes are.  I'd guess small, but I know Mom prefers more loose fitting.  So I said to go med.  She then wanted to chat, but I was still at work.
  • Lol.  I was looking for a pee pee dance gif and for some reason it sent a muppet cooking bagel bites on a stovetop?

  • Cats and trees...
  • Garfield.
  • I'm so confused, but ok...
  • catholicism, scissors, politics, #espressoforyoursoul, being a dork

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