My slipper is in the corner...

Aug 12, 2021 21:02

I saw a huge bug, got scurred, but was more worried it would lunge at me.  So I threw my slipper at it.  Good aim!  But now I don't want to touch / retrieve my slipper.  Sitting in the kitchen with one slipper now.  Lol...

I feel like this is just gonna be notes.

Weird that in that Chosen post a lot of LDS people were coming to the defense of Catholics.

As I said, Dallas Jenkins and Jonathan Roumie met the Pope yesterday.  Jonathan introduced himself as an actor playing Jesus on a TV show.  When he spoke to Dallas the Pope asked him, "And are you Judas?"  HAHAHA!!!  Maybe...  Like I said, his comment about "Jesus only" hit me in the wrong way, then the comments...  I'm really like...  Do I want to put my money into something that isn't really ecumenical?  If it were they'd put in aspects of Catholic theology and I have doubts about that now.

Jimmy Akin did an April Fools episode on Drop Bears.  But then in a another podcast he mentioned how he pranked a lot of people.  I mean...  I was so confused!  The show was about how it was a cryptid in Australia.  And...  In most cases...  At least I took it to not be a real thing.  But then I guess the prank was it was just a story Australians made up to tell tourist.  Like...  It's not a cryptid in the sense like Big Foot where some people think it's actually real, but completely made up.  So I guess I was pranked.  Anyway, I thought to write about it after the fact because I heard it mentioned on a completely unrelated youtube channel about Australia.

Double header.  Mets swept the Nats.  But Trevor Williams pitched the 2nd game.  If I haven't told you, he's ultra Catholic.  Has tats of the 4 Gospel writers, etc.  Anyway...  I found it funny he was name dropped on today's CSYSK.  Basically he was supposed to meet up with the guys when the Cubs were in Col, but he had been traded, so...  Fr. Nathan then mentioned he was traded to a 1st place team (not currently) and that Pete Alonso should become Catholic if he isn't already.  According to Google his grandfather was practicing.  Kids raised / went to Catholic school.  So...  I don't know where that leaves Pete.  Anyway...  I found it funny Trevor Williams was the starting pitcher and Pete Alonso walked it off!  #LGM

It's obvious!  Someone else commented to my comment on that Chosen post and this AM the former Catholic responded with, "It's obvious!" in regards to the Eucharist being symbolic.  I kinda want to be snarky and say...  Jesus said in John 6 to eat his flesh / drink his blood, during the last supper he says "This is my body."  It's obvious!  Like I need to go back...  But I kinda feel like even if she does accept it to be the body / blood of Christ she doesn't believe you need a priest to do it and any lay person can "remember" Jesus with crackers and grape juice.  So yeah, I gave up on her.  And like I said, she's stuck on the Mass being a sacrifice.  And I don't even know where to go with that community to Jewish hierarchy thing.

The Diocese posted a pic of a Seminarian from my HS.  Good to hear of vocations coming out of it...  I literally responded to the Alumni post once saying they focus too much on sports / stem.  It's a Catholic school and you never see anything about the faith / vocations.  That being said...  I haven't seen anything on the St. A's alumni page about it.  *sigh*

  • 7500centfish asked me if I'm watching the Field of Dreams game.  1.  Never seen the movie and 2.  Not a "baseball" fan.  Like I literally have no interest unless it's the Mets.  Like...  The Aunts ask me about other teams, esp the Yankees.  Like...  Why would I know or care???
  • I posted a Trevor Williams vid on Family Chat.  Mom ignored it.  But then I have a feeling she'd comment on his tats.  Anyway...  Tita E 👍'd it.  Didn't realize he was a Knight of Columbus.

  • Stop cultural appropriation!
  • I want to know who the Mets chaplain is.  We had a visiting priest who also was chaplain for the Islanders.
  • A #TwitterPriest followed me back for faving this post...
  • Dunno why...  But something about this painting struck me.  Semi related...  Listening to Instrument reminds me of this painting!  (Original sauce)
  • While looking for the above picture...   OMG HAHAHAHA!!!
  • Then not only my feet...
  • RIP Mrs. Hudson...
  • catholicism, #lgm, #twitterpriest, mets thoughts

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