Snow Day!

Dec 17, 2020 21:34

I woke up regular time.  Actually maybe 10 minutes late.  It actually didn't look bad outside.  The street was semi plowed, but had snowed over again.  I thought maybe I could go to work.  But when I watched the news it seemed like there was low visibility, conditions varied from place to place.  The roads, even if plowed were still snow covered and icy.  I "called out".  Marna said "it's OK".  I later went out to get the mail.  OMG...  The snow is so heavy and wet, icy.  Even later, I tried to clean off my car / get it out and...  It's stuck.  Ugh.  Mom called the lawn people to plow the driveway.  They're supposed to come tonight.

I spent most of the day working on my cards.  I mean, I got "Religious" cards.  Nativity / Jesus.  The message talked of Christmas wishes and prayer.  I was writing Merry Christmas in them.  But then this AM, Fr. I's video...  Which was totally prerecorded!  Where was the snow!?!  Plus Bruno was snoring!  HAHAHA!!!  Anyway, it was about the lack of good Catholic Christmas Cards.  Generic messages of season's greetings.  About writing good and thoughtful messages.  Pressure!!!  I had tried to write messages for certain people, but like I said, I initially started with a generic message.  I even looked at the message on the card.  Is it really religious or just a generic message masked by a Nativity scene?  LOL!  I then started thinking of mentioning the eschaton or the parousia.  "She will bear a son, and you shall call him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins."  Too strong?  HAHAHA!!!  But like Fr. I said, remind people the reason for the warm season greetings and why there is joy in the world.  So I mentioned blessings during the Christmas season and Rejoice our Savior is born.  I'm such a dork!  I wrote it in all the cards.  I'm sure people will think I'm a nut, dismiss the message.  Will anyone completely disregard it, be offended?  I told 7500centfish I sent my card to kumquatqueen before I wrote the messages.

Lol...  I'm playing a CD through my Bluray / TV...  I'm transferring music to my car SD card so my computer is busy.  In addition, the songs I want to listen to aren't on my mp3 player yet and I'm also gonna transfer it to my tablet.  I also cannot find my actually CD player to play the CD through my studio monitors.  So...  Oh, I guess I can take my shower radio.  But that's tied up to the pole.

I also wrote a separate note to Sr. Pat and Alex.  I still have to write my card to Fr. I.  I don't know what to sign it. I've been writing "With love" with everyone.  But that's inappropriate!  I also don't want to be overly formal and cold.

I asked Charisse for Tita Elaine's address.  She mentioned the fam is relocating to HI for a few months.  Elnore then send me poop emojis among other things.  Lol.

Not much else.  Tired.  Exhausted from trying to plow out my car.

being a dork

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