I was gonna write this AM...

Nov 03, 2020 21:37

Marna asked me to work 11 to 7 today so they could vote in the AM.  Me being constantly tired said I couldn't stay past 5.  OK, so 11 to 5.  I dilly dallied a bit this AM, but got ready pretty much when I normally would.  I was a little slow, but I was planning to take my time and eat, then write an entry before I had to leave for work.  Come 8:15, when I'd usually leave Marna texts they're done voting, come in whenever.  I said I'd plan to be there 9:30 to 10.  I went down to eat, having already prayed and showered.  I took my time eating and left 8:40ish.  I then got to work at 9:15...  Had there been normal AM traffic at that time I would have been at work 9:30ish to 9:45.  So...  I left at "normal" time, well I made up the 15 minutes.  Went home and voted.  As Marna and my coworkers said, there was no line.  Which is weird...  B/c all I see on the news is how long the lines are.  So...  I don't know if it's just to have a story to talk about or what.  Mom was then "complaining" that her ballot kept getting rejected.  She also didn't know there was a 2nd page.  There didn't have stickers.  What was the point!?!  Lol.

I posted on instagram and to Family Chat Psalm 146.  Besides Aures the silence was deafening.


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