How is it Thursday already???

Jul 09, 2020 15:58

I tried...  After an initial bout of laziness, I decided to get up every hour and walk around a bit.  I probably walked around the downstairs, in a loop living room, kitchen, dining room, hall for about 5 minutes.  To a point where I was sweaty and my incisions felt irritated.  Also having slight cramps.  But now...  Almost 2 hours after the fact still having cramps, still having discomfort.  Ugh...  I also noticed a little spot of blood on my shirt.  That being said...  I choked on my drink and coughed with minimal pain, so that's a plus.  But yeah...  My "exercise tolerance" isn't great.  But at the same time sitting all day makes me tired too.  I'm both frustrated but...  Welcoming the laziness.  I just wish I could do more in my laziness other than sit and watch videos all day.  Oh, I attempted to sight read Grade 1 sheet music.  My left hand sucks...  I didn't try hands together.  I also brought down more sheet music.  Should probably bring regular books down too.  To think...  I was trying to transition upstairs.  Lol...

I have relatively "a lot" of notes considering I have done nothing and it's only mid day.

No Mass this AM b/c there was a funeral.  It's also Thursday, so there won't be Mass tomorrow either.  :(  In Fr. I's #EspressoForYourSoul he talked about Good News and seeking it out.  But then he read a prayer which...  I don't know, I found it weird and not to match.  Like it sounded political and ended with "one nation under God".  I decided to google it to see where he got it.  It's a prayer for Religious Liberty (last paragraph).  I'm still confused how his initial words match with the prayer.  I kinda feel like he just threw it in b/c he wanted to pray it.  I don't know, it's weird.

I'm Team Mask and everything and I don't think it should be a political thing...  But at the same time with all these celebs and now Bill Nye telling us to wear masks...  Like do they realize they're preaching to the choir?  And...  Hasn't the "right" "canceled" Bill Nye long ago?  Like seriously...

I only have 1 note left...

Matt Fradd...  He's a Catholic speaker, podcaster.  I don't listen to his podcast b/c it's heavy on Philosophy / Thomas Aquinas, lesser so, he has a focus on pornography.  So I never latched on.  Anyway, what I really wanted to write...  He's a Latin Catholic, but attends an Eastern Catholic church.  He recently had a vid where he interviewed a Protestant friend about attending "Catholic Mass" for the 1st time and it ended up being an Eastern Catholic Divine Liturgy.  Ugh...  Like...  I have little to no interest.  This was my issue with Fr. Michael O'Laughlin on CSYSK.  He had a few podcasts which were East leaning.  He has since started his own podcast which I don't listen to.  But he was also on Matt Fradd...  And he honestly sounded more East leaning than Rome.  Like...  I kinda feel like if he wasn't born Catholic he'd jump ship and go full blown Orthodox / away from Papal Supremacy.

Oh yeah, "they" came.  Like I said, they had some appt and Tito Abe went to Costco.  I don't get it...  They ate out last weekend together, yet this time they ate in our driveway, didn't come in.  But then again, I'm here...  Like...  Be consistent!  They ended a phone convo with saying they're coming this weekend.  I'm assuming the mall will be open.  I mean...  I'm not going.  I can barely walk right now!

I have no texts or tweets...


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