Ugh I feel sick...

Sep 16, 2018 15:45

Dr. L has been sick b/c a patient coughed in his face.  He then proceeds to cough without covering his mouth as I eat...  You're a freaking doctor!  Infection Control!!!

Also exhausted.  Busy day yesterday.  First of all, Dra. R died, the wife of Dr. R my pediatrician.  She had a ruptured AV Malformation, basically a stroke.  I don't know if they were talking about her or someone else...  But I heard someone talking in half English / Tagalog that someone has hit their head while gardening, complained of a headache, but was relatively fine, till later when the HA worsened and other symptoms presented.  But then I also heard...  "I saw her the day before and she looked good."  Anyway, so I drove Mom to that wake and afterward we pag pag'd at Dunkin Donuts.  Mom asked for decaf, but...  It wasn't so she was having palpitations all night and "almost died".

Maybe it's a blessing...  But Dr. R is out of it.  No one knows exactly, but maybe he had a stoke, some sort of dementia.  I first saw it when his daughter died almost a year ago.  I thought it was just a coping mechanism, maybe it is, b/c he seemed somewhat into it when I drove he and his wife to another wake...  Whose was it???  Dr. S maybe?  Anyway...  Like he was giving me directions, even when unnecessary also taking about where his daughter's grave was and how a statue of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton watched over it.  But then at the funeral, the daughters...  He seemed to be dressed inappropriately.  More casual than dressy.  Greeting everyone with a smile.  This time...  He sat in the front.  Everyone who came up to him he'd say, "I'm so happy."  Point to the casket.  "I have a beautiful wife, a beautiful family."  Points to Mom, "Beautiful friends."  He grabbed me by the hand then gave me a mass card to put in the holder.  I wonder if he has anyone to take care of him.  My Mom said the daughter lives with him now, but she works all day.

Then OMG...  So as we were about to leave we got cornered by Tita Fely Q.  And...  She basically wants to recruit me to join this lady's axillary or something and volunteer for her.  Buying stuff from the dollar store, bag, hat, gloves, socks, etc and give them to the homeless.  She then also wants me to help her with emails b/c Dad used to help her all the time and now I'll be his replacement.  Oh and...  "Do you play any instruments?"  Piano...  Oh, you can teach me!  I think that was kiboshed when she found out I work 9 to 5 M to F...  Anyway, the whole time I'm thinking...  Like it's a good idea and all, but...  I don't like groups and I have no patience with things and...  I'm not really tech savvy.  I also don't know how to teach people.

For some reason our cantor was at the funeral mass...  It was in St. Matthews...  Which is closer than St. Elizabeth.  I asked Mom why we don't go to that church she didn't know....  But then her friend asked she said b/c we used to live on Old South Path and didn't change when we moved.  At the end he hugged some white woman, who...  I don't know if she was part of the party or part of the church.  Either way, it seemed like he was trying to out sing their cantor.

After the mass / funeral at St. Charles we ate at an Italian restaurant.  It was OK.  But OMG...  So full.  Mozzarella, calamari, salad.  Then I had the penne.  Dessert.  We were supposed to head to Queens for a 3PM party, but didn't leave the place till then.  Anyway...  The convo...  I realized I was sitting at a table with all doctors.  Like I said, I don't ID where Mom is a nurse, Dad in the Navy type of Filipino and...  I don't know many who do actually...  But that's the stereotype?  Anyway...  They asked if I spoke Tagalog.  No.  One was like neither do her children and she blames herself.  Another said they were afraid they wouldn't learn English...  But with our family.  It's our fault for not learning.  Then, "Do you eat Filipino food?"  Yes...  I mean...  It's not my favorite cuisine, but...  The fact I live at home / work for Filipinos it's always around.  The 1st lady was like her kids married Italians so when they come to visit they are craving Filipino food.  Another one, the Mom was like I cook it all the time, but her kids only like Lumpia.

Anyway, all week Dr. L was like we're celebrating you birthday on Saturday at the (Fake) Cuban restaurant.  I immediately told them I couldn't b/c of "Roscel's house warming".  Come Friday...  You're coming tomorrow, right?  I can't.  I tell Marna this again as I leave.  Oh...  And the first time it was mentioned.  Dr. L is already setting the time for Roscel's shindig...  "That will be lunch time.  You can come for dinner."  Um...  No.  Saturday I get a text message as I'm driving to Queens.  We're meeting at 6:30 come here if you can or meet at the restaurant.  I texted back around 6 saying we just got to Queens and we hadn't started eating.  Turns out it was more a surprise party of Jhumna.  Anyway she showed up soon after and we started eating.  I had some chicken and rice (which was good...) and dessert.  My sugar is controlled!!!  Let me eat dessert it peace!!!  Lol.  Anyway, I was about to slip into a coma so we left.  Didn't get home till about 9.  So I really don't see how there would be any chance of me going to "my birthday" party either way.  So tired...  So full!

Seriously...  I had a Cuban coworker and he even said it's not authentic Cuban food.  The owner is Italian.  Then...  Why do you continue to choose where and what we eat!  Especially if you're celebrating me!  So annoying!  Like we always have to eat family style of dishes of your choosing.  Like he'll ask what we want, but...  Oh, but we're ordering this.  So annoying.

Oh and Jhumna called me out on not greeting her on her befrday.  I was in a bad place and didn't want to talk to people, not even to greet someone.  So she was collateral damage.  Woops.
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