Oct 24, 2006 10:06
Morning, kiddies. I'm the last one here at the hotel (at least that I know of). The DQ girls caught their flight last night at 12:30 and everyone else had left earlier in the day so I'm on my own now. My own flight leaves in about five hours so I'm just finishing up my packing and skimming the flist quickly before I check out and start the drive over to Oakland.
It's been a wild week here in SF and once I sleep I'll have lots of good memories to smile and laugh at. Right now, I think I'm too tired to blink. It was a busy con and DQ released three new books which sold very well. White Guardian and Your Honest Deceit are terrific books and you can get a peek at them at the DQ website if you're interested. We also debued the new anthology Rush. Four western stories by a terrific team of girls. One of the stories, Master, is drawn/written by Lara who is also responsible for the beautiful bishie who is DQ's poster boy for our t-shirts and banners. She came along to the con and signed copies of Rush for anyone who wanted. This first edition of Rush is very special. Other than selling them here at Y-con, they will only be sold at the website store and when they're gone, they're gone. There will be no reprints. It's a busy time, but also a very exciting one. I need to rest quickly when I get home, there's so much more work right around the corner.
I wish I could have cloned myself so that I'd had more time to spend with all the wonderful folks I saw here at the con. As it is, the only panel I saw was the one I was in, but the dealer's room was great fun and I managed to get lots of japanese manga and a few nifty little things. Sightseeing with everyone was marvelous. We had wonderful weather and other than my difficulties with switching from a Miata to a Laredo (too, too big) the driving/traffic wasn't bad at all. Even the fact that my camera died after the first day can't bum me out because everyone has been so kind and offered to send photo files to me. *hugs flist* You guys are terrific!
Well, time to go, I suppose. I was very foolish and bought more stuff yesterday in Japantown (after having just mailed four boxes to myself) and now I have to figure out where the heck to stuff it. I'll probably just dump it all in the suitcase and pay the silly $20 overage fee. It isn't bad and saves me another trip to the post office.
I just have to make sure to leave room in the suitcase for my heart. I don't want to leave it in SF, but the TSA won't let you take it in your carry-on luggage (too much liquid, very squishy in my case). It was sad to watch everyone else leave, but just getting to see/meet those of you who came was so wonderful. I have loads of great memories, even if I don't have the pictures, and I imagine those will get posted soon. *blushes* Umm, yeah, about those pics...