Update time. Sleepy ramblings about the next two weeks are lurking under the cut.
I will finish with my costume in time for Tekkoshocon. Yay! I have a wig, the coat, the boots, the skull and chains... everything I need for General Kenren. This is going to be some fun. Today is starting (too) early and I have a lot of chores to finish up (read 15) and I'm already tired.
Tomorrow I go to pick up
cupnjava and Wednesday is the day of the big bento lunch in DC with cup and Ayako under the cherry blossoms. I look forward to this every year and while hubby can't join me this time, I will have two great friends with me. Every year a petal falls in my jasmine tea and I'm betting this year will be no different.
Thursday is the trip to Pittsburgh and checking into the hotel. I expect the drive there will be filled with much fangirling and copious story ideas. I seem to do my best brainstorming in the car and with another fangirl present, the results could be downright scary.
Friday we'll meet up with
nekojita and hang out until it's time for the Yaoi panel. Yahoo. I'll be taking along the case of post cards and art cards that Tran left for me and handing them out to folks at the panel. I had hoped to have a copy of the new book to take with me, but I think I'm cutting it too close on time.
Saturday, cup and I will be cosplaying as Tenpou and Kenren. Oh, this is going to be too much fun. We have a *ahem* collar for Tenpou and a sign to pin to the lab coat, "Property of General Kenren. If found, please return to owner." *cough* Yaoi girls *sigh* What can you do with them?
Sunday, my friends from college that I still visit regularly will join us at the con and we'll spend the day and evening with them. They live on the north side of Pittsburgh and will hang out with us before heading home.
Monday is the trip back. It will be sad to go and scary trying to fit both of us and our purchases in my Miata. Stay tuned to see how we pull that one off.
Tuesday I have to take cup home. That will be even more sad, but I promised to return her to her hubby and I'll have borrowed her for a week at that point so I can't argue about it.
Wednesday I have Japanese class.
Thursday I have off. No really. I get one day to sleep, unpack, do laundry, clean the house, catch up on the bills, return emails and phone calls, run errands... You know, a nice peaceful day all to myself.
Friday my parents are coming into town and hubby heads to WV to pick up his mom.
Saturday is the big Sakura Matsuri in downtown DC and we'll be headed there with the parents in tow for a day of fun.
Sunday hubby takes his mom back to WV, my parents head home to PA, and I, I get to sleep... probably for a year or so... but I'll have a huge smile on my face.
Wish me luck. It's an adventurous proposition for me and I'm sure to overdo it but it'll be worth it, I think.