Another day, another six months of my life...
It's a weird feeling, really, seeing it all again and saving it from possible oblivion. Is it really so hard for the powers that be to say what they mean and mean what they say?
Common problem in the world right now, I guess.
Put up a first post over at GJ although rumor has it they are showing some signs of squeamishness too. If any of you find a bonafide blogging site that outright says, "Yes, bring the yaoi loving, you are welcome here." Please let me know.
On a brighter note, my third disc of Gakuen Heaven finally arrived today so there will be BL lovin' on the DVD player soon. Also picked up season two of Numbers.
ninjaburgermngr and I really love this series and dove through season one in less than two weeks.
The new Ikea catalog arrived yesterday too. Although there's a lot of brilliant looking new stuff in it, I just don't have quite the enthusiasm for it that I had in years past. More and more, Ikea is moving to PRC for their manufacturing and that is a big no-no for Isabeau. We've had a lot of nifty things we've wanted to buy from them recently go back onto the shelf because of this. I used to really admire the company for the diversity in their manufacturing process, but they seem to be moving away from that.
Time to sweep the porch and refeed the outdoor critters as well as the indoor ones. Bought some peanuts and bird feed for the squirrels and birds as well as some nice salmon and trout for the girls so today is a kitty food making day too. Been on a real bread making binge lately, it's a nice distraction from other things, so I think maybe some cinnamon rolls would be nice this evening. Mmmmm. Gotta love the carbs.
*hugs flist*
Hope all of you are having a good one today and happy Friday.