Actually not that remarkable a day -- goofing off on rav (including eye-rolling at a) a cable design that is extremely vulvar, and b) the designer of a previously-mentioned sheep hat who, when siccing mobs of indignant fangitls on the designer of a matching cowl didn't work, issued a DMCA takedown notice, which, while her legal right, cemented my opinion of her as, among other things, someone whose designs I won't bother making, and wow that got convoluted) and finishing up my niecelet's sweatsr (all done except for buttons!)
Tomorrow I am going down to my sister's for a joint birthday party. Pizza, cake, and an adorable niecelet - woohoo!
Thank you to those who sent me birthday wishes ♥
I am happy. It's a nice feeling.
Cross-posted between DW (
here) and LJ. Comments welcome in either place; DW has