I'm off to see the wizard get my nose shaved woo. (Mohs surgery to make sure there are no remaining basal cells.)
Theoretically it's not a huge deal (and its surface stuff so shouldn't trigger any fop reaction) but right now I am more nervous than I expected.
(I have crochet to work on during the waiting periods. Yay crochet. Yay rainbow shawls in an easily memorizable pattern.)
ETA @10:45:
Am back -- they only needed to do one layer, woo. I have a ridiculous bandage on my nose that means I can't wear my glasses and probably won't be able to use the cpap; that stays on a few days and then I can "graduate" to bandaids.
Having trouble staying awake right now so I'm gonna go crash-nap.
Cross-posted between DW (
here) and LJ. Comments welcome in either place; DW has