Documenting for when I go to doctor.
Trigger finger? -- onset Thursday, always worse in mornings. No pain with clicking (or pain masked either by pain meds or by the fact that I get constant pain "noise" from fingers so might not be aware of signal) but dull ache starting mid Saturday. (Hopefully will have answer back from hand therapist re whether it's worth a referral; most treatments are out of bounds for me anyway)
Word loss -- tendency to "lose"/forget words (e.g. "Seatbelt") replaced by gesture or first sound, or make substitutions similar in sound or semantic content (e.g. Shirt/sleeve/sheet). Worse when tired. Normal? Diagnosable? Could he med related. Worth worrying about? Not sure when started, several months at least
Fatigue -- no specific onset but definitely worse lately. Not a depression thing. Possibly underlying or repeated infection? Datum: fatigue went away when taking antibiotics for Uti
Sleep issues, related -- two part. Trouble getting to sustained sleep, first half of night. Somewhere around 3 or 4 am approx, flips to trouble waking. Weekday aide comes at 10, am dead asleep when she enters my room and futzes, sometimes takes touch to wake me, Saturday aide is on call, normal is between 10 or 11, lately been dead asleep when she comes at noon (my request so I don't sleep all day). Ex. Yesterday, got to sleep around 1 per new normal, woke up a few times, then woke up at 11 long enough to check time; sluggish, drugged feeling, went back to sleep, dead asleep when she came at a bit after 12. Drugged sleepy feeling persisted several hours. Fell asleep that night at 10:30 but wide awake again 1am, no drugged feeling.
Ideal request: blood. Work up checking full thyroid (not just tsh), vitamin levels, ??? ETA iron!
Bp 118/76
Cross-posted between DW (
here) and LJ. Comments welcome in either place; DW has