Saw Days of Future Past.
Not entirely sure what I thought. Liked it, but it didn't grab my heart the way XMFC did...
A bit miffed by the Magic Serum That Allows Charles To Walk, though I did like his confession that it was more to let him sleep (and to hide).
Adored (in an "oh, *boys*" way) the confrontation between Charles and Erik on the plane. And also the depth of friendship between the older two.
Liked the new mutants we saw, but spent a bit of time going "...wait, who's that" or trying to figure out powers. Probably being a comics fan would help there. Definitely would have helped for the post-credits scene, which had me going "wtf" a lot.
Some of the movie continues XMFC's (and to some extent the earlier XMen movies') theme of Charles going "Erik don't do the thing" / Erik doing the thing / Charles going "Dammit"/ But I like that he didn't force Raven into doing what he wanted for her.
And, um ... yeah. I half want to go poking about on dofp kinkmeme stuff but I'm sort of afraid to :/
(tagged as xmfc because it's basically the same continuity)
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