Mysteries of life

Apr 24, 2012 14:55

or at least of delving back into GW after, er, probably a few years at this point:

* why the hell are more than half my characters at the great temple of balth?
* why is a factions-created character not past nahpui?
* why do I suddenly care about elite armor and weapons?

-- oh right, HoM rewards. Never mind that last.

The account I will be linking has 18 point thingies in the HoM rewards calculator. 19 now that I've added the minipets from the other account (man I miss a mail system)

If I can get a pet statue on one of my accounts, that will give one point. (Two points for three more hero statues, but that doesn't seem likely.)

If I can get another Eternal title, that will give me one point. (I have Prot of Tyria and Cantha, Fortune, Survivor, Misfortune, Hero of all three, and FoW.) Prot of Elona is at 12/20. Explorers are at 93.4, 84.4, and 64.

If I can get Kurz armor, I get one point. (mainly what I need is shittons of amber and money.) If I can get another elite armor, I get two more points. (If that happens to be Vabbian, another also. Except, ahahaha right.)

If I get a weapon statue, I get two points.


* why do other games not have the same pathfinding omg /clings to it/
* wtf why is my necro's skillbar all rit skills
* how do I plaaaaay I've totally forgotten ;_;

Cross-posted between DW (here) and LJ. Comments welcome in either place; DW has

guild wars

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