HydraIRC questions

Jan 22, 2011 15:18

So I have finally gotten fed up enough with mIRC's nagging that I am switching to Hydra to see if that works. (Tried Chatzilla, but my browser crashes too often for that.)

However I am finding myself a little confused about how to do some of the things I want.

1) Autoconnect on startup - I have my channels favorited; is it just a matter of selecting those?

2) Auto-ident. I have mIRC set up to automatically perform a nickserv ident when I join. Does Hydra have the same option?

3) Highlight terms. Where can I set them and how does Hydra deal with it?

4) What am I not thinking of?

Cross-posted between DW (here) and LJ. Comments welcome in either place; DW has

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