Mar 06, 2009 11:55
This is just a general statement, but the Turnabout Cafe serves outstanding food, and the tea was wonderful, too. I highly recommend it!
There have been a lot of newcomers arriving the past few days- I hope you're all settling in. The City can be a little overwhelming at first, especially if you're not used to technology.
Are you feeling any better, Saya?
[Filtered to the Firehouse gang]
I'm going to be staying with Ichigo for a while. He lives on his own, and the ticking is really getting to him, so...
I'll still come back and visit, though, I promise.
[/end filter]
[Filtered to Lenalee]
I don't mind. I know Ichigo won't care if you stop by, so please do?
in an exceedingly good mood,
idk my bff ichigo,
newbie sighting