A lovely article about celebrity Christmases and Jason's is included.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2011/dec/20/celebrities-christmas-memories Scroll down for the section and lovely pic.
HEre's the text:
"My kids Lily and Ruby, their grandma Claire and great-grandma Edith wake up on Christmas morning 2006. My wife Emma is cooking breakfast and, as always, I'm the official photographer. My mother-in-law had moved from Canada to live up the road in London and my grandmother-in-law traditionally left Devon to spend the holidays with us. Something magical happened when all four generations were sleeping together, dancing together and sharing stories together and I became determined to get them to move in permanently. It took a couple of years, but finally we did it and, for a while, domestic life was bliss. Until I had to move to America. Oops."
Love the pics of Jason's girls. Pity Emma wasn't able to be in the pic as well.