Jan 26, 2005 18:02
Alright...**takes a deep breath** I think I pulled a muscle! It's AWESOME!! FUCK N-O-!! It blwos man!! I couldn't walk and shit! it blew big midget balls!! I couldn't walk cause all I could think about was "Aie Guey! ME DUELE!" but I toughed it out after I took a whole lotta pills! (a 600mg of ibuprofin and 2 advils to be exact!) Ahhh the sweet serenity of pain killers!! I can honestly say I'm in love...love...with a small white pill! ahh!
So today we took some mock taks thing so it blew as usual.. I took my sweet ass time! i poked ass man. I was just sitting there eating fruit snacks and drinking my gatorades...Mira que felicidad!
Tomorrow we play at riverside for some talent show for a buck at like 7! go if you want! l8