About Me

Jun 27, 2006 23:44

Here's some information about me. If you want to be friends, leave a comment for me.

Name: Isaac Williamsworth
Former House: Gryffindor
Age / Birthdate: 18 / February 21, 1989
Occupation: Worker at Muggle art gallery

Bloodline / Heritage: Muggleborn, English
Personal History: Isaac is very devoted to his family for one main reason, which is that he is the father figure to his younger siblings. When he was six-years-old, he first noticed things happened around him when he was in a high state of emotion, and short after that, his father left his mother and his younger siblings for a fellow American woman whom Isaac had never met. He blaimed himself for his father leaving because he seemed the only one in his family with these extraordinary capabilities, even his twin sister, whom was younger because she was born several minutes after him, never had experiences like his. As he grew up, he helped his mother, who remained single and kept a steady job to provide for her children, helped care for his sister and two younger brothers. At age 11, he recieved his Hogwarts letter, which was a difficulty to the house because he was the oldest and the role model of the home. He almost would have not gone to Hogwarts because of his family but his sister told him to go because she knew he was special and knew he would come back, unlike their father, also saying that she could help take care of the household with their mother and by then their aunt had moved in to help. They promised each other they would write once a week to each other, a promise that Isaac keeps to this day as he attends Hogwarts. Although Isaac attends Hogwarts, he had no intention of going into a magical career afterwords. No, his biggest ambition was always to become a photographer, and take still pictures of the most beautiful things to be shown to the world for all eyes to see. Until he would be able to secure his dream, he would still do whatever he could to support his family, the thing that means the most to him.

Personality: The typical dreamer. Isaac is usually off in his own word rather than studying for the final exams, until the night before, of course, then goes into a huge cramming session, which then leads to his downfall in classes. He is a good student, however, if on the rare occasion he is paying attention but he would definitely like to spend his time outside with others, and joking around. Isaac is friendly and encouraging to his other housemates, and friends. He is very close and loyal to those that he cares for. He adores laughter so there for he tries to make people laugh a lot, but not be a class clown. Able to handle his emotions very well, even through painful moments, and Isaac is often the shoulder one could come to cry on, also because he is so compassionate and caring, especially among friends. He loves to hear stories of fantasy even with romance, and could get lost in them for hours with no end unless he was pulled away somehow from it, definitely voracious in that way. A romantic himself, wanting to do things special for the one he loves, and always trying to be the pleaser around them. He has a way of seeing things that aren't ment to be seem in that way, specificly.

Physical Description:
Hair: Dark brown, lightly poofed and most of the time spiked. It is never usually worn straight back unless it is a special occasion.
Eyes: Light hazel brown, soft though demanding when they have to be.
Build: Thin with firm abs and chest, strong arms and legs to go along with it.
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 180 lbs
Preferred Body Model: Milo Ventimiglia

Hobbies and talents:
Storytelling/writing (short stories, poetry, love letter, etc.)

Weaknesses - for every hobby or talent, the character must have two weaknesses:
Flying - He's completely terrified of flying and heights, so he keeps his feet on the ground.
Athletics - He can play sports; however, he was never really any good at them, at least to his own view point.
Public speaking - When speaking in front of the class or something, he'll get extremely nervous, and mutter on.
Acting - He can tell stories, but he is bad at playing the characters, which was why he chose to stay behind the camera.
Idealistically perfectionist - This pretains to his ideas about things. If something is being done his way, it must be done exactly the way he has it in his head or he'll get frustrated until he can fix it or he gives up completely.
Curiousity - If something peaks his interest, he will begin to ask questions, which sometimes have led him into trouble.

Best subjects:
Muggle Studies
Care of Magical Creatures
Worst subjects:
Practically every other class because of his focus problem.
Broom: None
Wand: Mahogany with maple handle 12 1/4" Essence of Unicorn Hair

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