There will be... justice?

May 26, 2008 14:55

I don't know if you guys remember me ranting about the fish store owner (the Capitalist) I worked for, and kept on writing about and how I was looking to buy his business, but anyways here's an update on that. In the winter, I was trying to find a way to buy the business by trying to find people who would loan me money for the project, but this was nearly an impossible task because the Capitalist wouldn't open his books or give and concrete numbers about the business, which made him and the store even more shady, so I stopped trying to buy the place. I knew for sure around then that there was something rotten going on. I wasn't really surprised because there's one too many similarities between him and Daniel Plainview from There Will Be Blood (fucking awesome movie btw!).

In February, I went to the store, told him I quit, and tried say how he has no morals, which didn't go anywhere and that has been the last time I've seen or talked to him. Then I heard about this:

I was talking to an owner of different fish store (who's actually honest and a decent person), and he was telling me how the Capitalist is pretty much fucked. Environment Canada wants to make an example out of him and the store, because they've been looking to crack down on the trade and he just went way too far and now they're gonna nail his ass! They're doing a full investigation into him and the business, even in Indonesia about this incident. Unless he knows how to weasel his way out of government charges, he's gonna face huge fines, and even possibly jail time. His name and business are already tarnished all over hobbyists forums.

I know the hearings have already started, but that's all I know that's happened so far and the rest I've just been imagining in my head. I know he fudges everything about his income and how much the business makes, and I wonder how he's going to try to explain all of that to a judge, especially having a Porsche race car as a company expense!

He would rant about how he had to pay school tax while making thousands a day. I love to ponder what he's thinking now and how he's ranting about our "communist government" (his words).

I can't I feel sorry for him at all. He knew exactly what he was doing and would brag about how much money he would make because he had the "balls" to make risky "business deals". Actually, all of this just puts a smile on my face.
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