Ok I know I never update but I just have to for this. I just got (well, my dad just got but doesn't know about it yet) the monthly o2 bill through the post. Its not pretty. It actually SHOCKED me it was that bad. So I went online and looked at the breakdown of everything to see how it came to £81.13.
Here goes:
(in order of how many I sent you)
- Walker- 165
- some dude... 102
- Emma- 81
- Pauline- 81
- Lauren MacArthur Hyphen Boyd- 68
- Shine- 64
- Derek- 27
- Anthony 19 (bastard, no need for any of these!)
- Gillian- 13
- Sean- 12
- Morgannnn- 12
- Bob- 6
- Steffi- 3
- Michael- 3
- Liam- 2
And then some random numbers which I didnt even know i bloody had. gutted.
And most of you up there also got a phone call from me, you lucky buggers.
Ok so just dont bother txting me this month, i cant afford it.
I'm gonna go get lunch now. Byeeee dudesss.