The Random Question Meme!
An array of completely random questions about my friends!
Have you ever suspected
keeper_of_yoh of being a lifelike robot?YesIs
elric_al an innie or an outie?Innie I thinkDid
mechanic_lover leave the stove on again?Most likelyWhat would happen if
pwns_maria and
hug_the_glutton went on a date together?OMFG HAHAHAHAHHAWhy did
edo_heidelrich cross the road?Because he needed to?Does
bookworm_heart understand quantum chromodynamics?Probably OoHow long have you known
pwns_denny?a couple of years nowWhat would
taisaroymustang do with half a million dollars (U.S.)?Buy pornoWhat is the most insightful thing you have heard
alheiderich say?hmmmm He's actually said a lot of insightful things to me.Is
vegeta_holic hiding under your bed right now?maybe... *checks*What will
specialopps be like in twenty years?Still with Greed and annoying the crap out of meWhen's the last time you saw
gun_girl?A couple of weeksCan
strongestshield solve a Rubik's Cube?HELL NO HAHAHAHHAHAWho would win in a fight between
riza_the_pistol and
jh4voc?RizaHow would
e_n_v_y survive on a desert island?NopeDoes
daughterbest know how to spell the word 'embarrass' correctly?Yeah...Does
kitten_lover_al have a funny-shaped head or what?HahahhahaWhat habit does
grapesofwrasu have that you think they should give up?ANNOYING THE HELL OUT OF ME! THAT KID SHOULD DIE
This is by
heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions
Do you feel enlightened now?