The parent trap (3/?) Jack/gwen fanfic

Jun 09, 2008 22:29

Title: The Parent Trap
Characters: Torchwood Team

Gwen entered the room again with two fresh mugs of coffee.She handed one to Jack and sipped at the other herself.

"Oh, fine. Dont offer me one then." Owen whined.

"Fine I wont" gwen said smuggly.Jack chuckled at her whitty comeback.

"Whats so funny?" Owen said mardily.

"You" Jack said, laughing at the same time.Damn those two, so alike. Why wont they just shag already? Owens mind went away with its self. He didn't know they already had.

"Tosh what have you got for me on that artifact?" Jack said, authority in his voice.

"Well its deffinately alien, and there should be something about it on google. Apparently its been on this earth for hundreds of years.Plus its not just the one, there's about 50 of them dotted randomly around the world.No danger unless 2 or more get put together in which case all hell breaks loose." Tosh finished off her speach with a pant as she'd forgotten to take breaths in between speaking.

"And what exactly does happen when all hell breaks loose?" Jack asked in confusion.

"Oh, you know the usual...the world blows up. In fact its a wonder it hasn't happened already" Tosh managed to be smut but was still a little scared at the prospect.

"Remind me to make sure they don't have a tea party" Jack said sarcastically."Ok, tosh find out as much as you can and see if you can trace where the others are, Gwen my office i need you to do some googling for me" Jack beckoned her with his hand as he ascended the stairs.

"Oh so thats what your calling it these days is it Jack" Said Owen rather smuggly. Jack just gave him a glare as if to say 'that was out of order' but couldn't help but smirk a little.

"Gwen see if you can get some info off the google site, it might be useful to find out what people actually know about it" said Jack sounding emotionless. Gwen just looked at him blankly then got to work.

Why is he being cold towards me? He was fine this morning. Does he regret it? Oh no gwen what have you done? Stupid idiot. Gwen got lost in her thoughts, every now and again throwing a look over her shoulder to see if he was checking her out. But everytime she looked he was just staring contently at something on his desk that seemed to have interested him. She printed off the sheet of info she had found and walked over to his desk.

"Watcha doin'?" She tried to sound casual but failed dismally.

"Nothing!" Jack shot out quickly, realising he'd been lost in exotic thoughts about a person who was standing right next to him. Jack you stupid idiot, focus! He said to himself in his head.

"Is that for me?" He asked formally, directing his view at the piece of paper in Gwen's hand.

"Is that me?" She asked a similar question which ment a completly different thing. Strange really.

"Oh that yes, it from ages ago at the docks. The picture that Owen took. Do you remember?" Jack asked, totally forgetting about his question.

"Yeh i remember." She replied. "I also remember..."She paused. Jack stared at her." Do you remember this?" She asked, taking Jack by shock as she bent down and kissed him softly on his lips.

"Yeh" He mumbled as she slowly pulled back again.

"Good" She said simply. Then she walked out of the office door leaving the piece of paper on his desk. She smiled to her self as she descended the stairs.

"Yeh" Jack repeated, still shocked by her move. A smile crept up on his face, and he smirked as he turned to read the information she'd left him.

torchwood jack gwen

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