todayy was fun!
woke up & picked up ally and ally (oohoohoo) to go to the beach. after an awky car ride with my mother we got to the beach. covered myself up so that mr. ferrante wouldnt see my bod, & layed out with allydavis squeezed inbetween us because SOME IDIOT forgot to bring a towel and SOME BITCH refused to lend one to her. hung out talked tanned (except that i burned in the weirdest places). flashed the allys. they liked it. you can ask them. somewhere in there got grilled by a bunch of guitos and nicole schneider... stupid cat bitch. walked to a little coveythingy and got attacked by horseshoe crabs. more of allydavis squeezed inbetween us like bugs in a rug. i had to use my TWO DOLLAR BILL today which i was really sad about. this is how i can tell i'm at a low point in my life. when i have so little money that i am forced to spend my lucky two dollah bill :( needless to say, it was an emotional experience. eventually ally's mommma picked us up and i went home.
was going to hangg out with meg but her mom wanted her to stay home and "heal" haha so i did the same. watched billy madison with my mom which she weirdly liked? and then watched the sandlot with katie. katie liked the movie but felt it portrayed dogs in an unflattering manner. that was her critique, not mine.
& nowww here i am. so happy that it's finally summer and now that i have my first REAL sunburn it's starting to really feel like summer too. tomorrow going over megs & hangin out in the sun. 12-2 is OPTIMUM time for high uv index. then?? who knows. who cares. its summer. SUMMER !