Ok, I know I said I was going to start a new legacy. And I did. However, I had some issues with my pictures. I lost the captions from my founder's college days, and then just flat-out lost all interest. And partly just don't have much time for simming nowadays. Motherhood will do that to you. ;)
Baby and I have been settling into a routine, though, so I'm better able to find time for playing, so I might start a new legacy soon. Maybe today, even, since I'm feeling somewhat inspired. I'm toying with downloading ACR again, too, but I might not be able to.
That said, I have been playing a semi-legacy-style family just for funsies. And when I say "legacy style" I mean simply keeping the generations in the same house, but not doing anything else legacy style and using money cheats like crazy. It's not anything I'd post so I don't really have any pictures anyway.
However, the other day I was inspired to build them a new house.
Usually when I build, I build for function above all else. All my walls and floors and doors are the same, although I do try to make those nice ones. But I never really take the time to really decorate the rooms or make the house itself interesting. But for some reason, the other day I decided to really put forth effort and make a nice house. And I am quite pleased with the result, so I will show it to you. :)
Here's the first shot:
Yeah, I know, it's huge. I didn't really mean for it to get that big, but I tend to always make my rooms bigger than they really need to be, so it kinda ended up this way.
Here's a daytime shot. Had to go into buy mode because I don't much feel like waiting for the night in my game to be over.
View from the back:
The purpose of that walled-in tree is so I can attempt to make a plantsim. Haven't quite decided who yet, though. Just figured I'd have it on hand for when I do. And actually I've made that wall bigger and have about 20 trees inside it, and I'm just waiting for them all to get bugs. :)
Here's a closer look at the front porch:
Here's the foyer:
I normally don't do foyers, LoL. I suddenly found myself having to figure out how to decorate it. I'm not big on decorations either so pardon the lack of pretty stuff. Also, I know it's huge. Not on purpose, but I had the second floor planned out before I decided what to do with the first floor, so I really couldn't change it.
Front view of the foyer. To the left there is the (also HUGE) dining room, and to the right is the living room/study.
Living room. The hallway in the back there has stairs leading to the second floor.
Here's the bathroom. Oddly, it was the first room I did anything with, and I had it finished before I even started planning out the rest of the house.
This is Joseph Blithe, my "legacy" founder and vampire extraordinaire. :)
Here's the dining room. I didn't want it to be that big, either, but the layout of the walls kinda forced me into it.
And another set of stairs leads from the dining room to the second floor. I did this to make it easier for my sims to get around. I dunno if I could have done it without the move_objects cheat though. I like having two sets of stairs because it cuts down on those stupid traffic jams that make no sense.
Here's the kitchen. That there is Clarence, Joseph's second son and heir.
Here's a closeup of the patio. It has doors into the living room and kitchen. The bass and drum set weren't exactly planned, but Clarence rolled the wants...
Forgot to take a pic of the stairs from the living room side.
I noticed after I took the pic how bare that wall is. Now it's got a large light, a couple of chairs and an end table. :)
The pool. :)
Figured I'd take a shot of the basic layout. Here's the first floor:
And the second floor, where we will be going next on our tour. In the middle there is the upstairs bathroom, which is identical to the one on the first floor.
This is a game / fun room.
And a kitty. :)
Kids' rooms. No kids yet, but we do have one on the way. After I took the pic, the baby was born, and it was a girl who I named Kara. :)
And there sleeping in the master bedroom is the happy (EXHAUSTED) Mama-to-be, Vamsi. Clarence met her in college.
Adjoining the master bedroom is the nursery. I left a gap in the wall so they could hear the baby crying. I'd have rather used an archway, but they still block the noise. I usually just put a good recliner in the nursery and have one parent sleep in it, but I decided to go with a more traditional approach this time.
And yes, that is a jacuzzi in the bedroom. :D
And the patio which adjoins the master bedroom.
I just noticed, too, that odd window there. I meant to replace that...
Well, that's sorta better. Too many windows, perhaps?
Moving right along...
You may have been wondering where this door leads. I shall show you.
There are stairs leading down into a basement...
... where Joseph spends his days in his coffin. :D
And as a bonus, here's a shot of a headless Joseph!
Not sure how this happened, really. He just suddenly had no head. LoL. It came back when I went down to his basement and made him go there.
As I said, I'm notoriously bad at making rooms and houses WAY too big. But I've noticed this time around that bigger rooms make it easier to play with the walls up and still see what's going on, and I like that very much, especially with the amount of time it took me to pick floors and walls and place windows and all that. It's nice to be able to actually SEE it all!