Still related to ToKaY. I will draw stuff related to the DR asap, but for now, I really need to get these images out of my heaaaaaaad.
This piece actually doesn't even come into play for ages. I mean, it hadn't happened in the RP NOR in the Story of ToKaY... That is, we hadn't arrived to this point yet.
At any rate, Yugi had been possessed by the
Sword Dancer, a "boss" type monster that appears in the game. In our version of it, it hadn't been defeated during the events of ToS. It, along with Abyssinian, were plotting to start the 'Demonus Project', which was the rival project of the "Angellus Project". They'd use expheres, yes, but they wanted to create far more powerful beings... unfortunately, their methods would cost people their entire consciousness, and it also drained power much more quickly. They tended to go after magic users because they naturally had more strength. And due to Yugi being just so damn manipulable, he was the perfect choice for the project. I don't really remember how they got him in it, but I believe it had to do something with Sword Dancer luring Yugi into a trap... and trying to turn his allies against him mentally. Yugi was captured, used for the project and had a hell of a lot of power... though he was being 'controlled' by the Sword Dancer at Abyssinian's command. Aside from looking badass, he also sported a pair of large raven-feathered demon wings. At least, I'm pretty sure that's what they were. My memory fails me since we only had this idea for the plot via word of mouth, and nothing actually written down. xD;; As for how they get Yugi back, it all really depends on FRIIIIIENDSHIP and what the usual values of both series are.
Not really but yeah. To put it plainly, in LOTR, being a half-elf isn't bad at all. In the Tales series.. being a half-elf SUCKS. Because people think you're the scum of the earth and that you're a villain right from birth and everyone hates you, elves and humans alike. Except usually your parents- But if they hate you too, then that REALLY sucks.
As soon as it's found out that Yugi is not a full elf, but a HALF elf, Joey and Kaiba immediately turn on him. They're thoroughly disgusted and they feel betrayed due to being 'lied' to. Though, Yugi was only lying so he could keep himself safe and keep his friends. When the Papal Knights take Yugi away, it takes Kratos to get some sense into his two companions and rescue Yugi. He actually asks the Papal Knights to hold off their attack, as he would like to end it. Yugi is frightened, thinking Kratos is going to execute him. When Kratos unsheathes his blade, he suddenly kills the two Knights holding Yugi hostage. Kaiba and Joey are shocked, as well as the other knights. Yugi is surprised and terrified at the same time.
Kratos goes into a spiel about how race doesn't matter, it's what's at heart that counts. Yugi's being a half-elf does not change the journey they've had so far and the bonds that brought them together. To disregard everything they'd all been through together and focus solely on a contempt held for a single race makes you more monstrous than what you thought the race to be.
Their eyes opened, they all take out the Papal Knights, protecting Yugi from them. This had made them have an even greater bounty upon their heads, but they now know they can't abandon each other no matter what. And Adam says stuff that I can't remember. :D