“While Google Docs chat may be the hottest communication tool for middle and high schoolers, most teenagers abandon it once they get to college. Skye, a 20-year-old from outside Boston, said that thinking about Google Docs chatting made her nostalgic. “Chatting on Google Docs is very reminiscent of when we were younger,” she said. And paper notes? “I haven’t passed a physical note to someone since fifth grade,” she said.”
Ах, где мои 13-17 лет... хотя, я рада, что выросла на бумажных записках и самолетиках.
Воспоминания о тех посланиях детским почерком, их лаконичность, ошибки, тот ритуал греют мою заледеневшую душу ошую, одесную, ушную.