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Dec 13, 2006 07:06

The Random Question Meme!

An array of completely random questions about my friends!
How would hero_jack survive on a desert island?Apparently, by holding me hostage on an operating table.Would you sooner donate a kidney to 40daystocry or confidence_man?I think Locke needs one more than either of those two do. Not that I'm in any position to be donating kidneys at the moment, JACK.What would you say at bloody_rockgod's funeral?"Too bad Ethan didn't finish him off sooner."Why did spacediplomacy cross the road?Because there was someone on the other side who needed a good tongue-lashing?Where did got_batteries leave the remote?Probably under the couch in what used to be the Swan Station, and is now a giant smoking hole. So we're not going to be getting the remote back anytime soon, I don't think.Is burnedmymuffins an innie or an outie?A particularly nice innie.What kind of underwear does captain_falafel wear?I can't begin to tell you how glad I am that I don't know that.What four adjectives best describe ourmutualbrotha?Unhinged, unshaven, unassuming, and Scottish.Is agreathunter a morning person or a night person?He's a "whenever the peyote kicks in" person.
This is by heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions here.

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