Horror One: This is not my home

Jan 14, 2011 11:56

 [Wednesday does not scare easily. And considering she adored things that most people would run away screaming from. ....It is not a good sign she spent a few moments pressed against the wall in utter terror this morning. So, much pink....and frills.

After a while though she'll manage to gather herself together and pull apart the room in search of anything decently wearable before going out of her room ....and finding the pictures.

This. Is. Not. Her. Family. Hey Mayfield. Have a young girl's cool and emotionless voice on the phone.]

My name is Wednesday Addams and I would like to be connected to the Addams Family Residence.

Or the police. I seem to have been kidnapped.

[Housemates can find her wandering around the house with a knife in her hands. She's looking at some horror and disgust at the various things in the house.

Other people can find her looking around outside. She still has the knife and is wearing the darkest clothes she could find.]

this is horrible, i am an addams, be afraid

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