The WHOLE story about Me and Tim =[

May 19, 2005 08:19

Well me and Tim started talking Sept 03 on AOL, and I met him Oct 19th 2003. Met at the mall me and my lez friend Morgan, he was all grabin my ass and I was threwing pennies at old people [mean i know] Got my first kiss from him and hug. Every thing was great, but that night he was on Petercreeks doing 120/50mph and got a ticket and went to jail. I waited on him, thinking he was different. He called me as soon as he got out that night. Went to court the next day, he got jail on weekend cause back then he had a job at Timbertress. I cryied my eyes out for 4 weekend while he was locked up. We always went out with his friend, Nezir and Zane and them on double dates and everything. He use to pay his friends money just so he can cum see me for like 2 minutes and all. [I miss them days] Xmas 2003, he got me a necklace that is a heart and says ["I love you"]Then New Year's day 2004, he chilled with me at my house for the first time, first time I did anything sexually for him and infront of my brothers, [I give him head and I dont like too]. Just sumthing to please him. It was still great no arguements nothing cause I didnt care what he did cause I was happy to be with him. [ all hell broke out ] Then on Jan 19th, 2004 my 17th birthday, I was at my friends Christina bored as hell, So I decided to call my ex Mikey and invite him over, well things were going great til Mikey decides to bug and bug me to kiss him and shit so I was like fuck it and I did. And that night Tim wrote me a LONG email saying he is sorry for not being there for my birthday and how much he loved me and all it was real sweet. And I told him that night what happened but I just said that me and Mikey kissed I didnt tell him the whole story [ I will get to that later in the email ] Tim was mad and disappointed and lost trust in me. Then Valentines day, he came and picked me up cause Nezir let him use his jeep and we went back to his house and that was the first time we had sex. Then April 17th, 2004 I find out Im pregnant, he was the first person I called and he didnt believe me cause of that stuff that happened with me and Mikey, [more goes here just im me and I will tell you ( I cant say it here ] me touch his dick and him rub on me, while my friend watched. Well, everything goes down hill from there, I caught him asking girls on here if they give head and all and got pissed and I was so insecure about myself for cheating I think he would to [but I know he wouldnt] well then August 2004 I made a appointment to make sure I was pregnant and all and I was he didnt go with me and It really started drama for me here. So then I went to all my appointment and he always making excuses about everything why he always out with his friends cause he wanted to spend time with his friend before the baby was here and all this and that. So then he met this girl with his friend Kirby and she calls me bitchin me out while I was pregnant and all. I felt like I didnt deserve a child and almost killed myself. Then Shawn was born. Shawn’s was due around the dates of December 19 - December, 26, 2oo4 but he was stubborn. I slept thru all my contractions til it was time for him to be born. Well on January 4th, 2oo5 I went to the doctors and they did the stress test and checked and see if I was dilated any, and I was 4 centimeters. Well when I got back home, I had to use the bathroom and when I did I was pouring out blood so, I asked my mom what was wrong and she said, “It’s probably cause of they checked to see if your were dilated and your cervix is very touchy.” So at this point my mucus plug was already out and everything been out for at least a month or two. But the next morning on January 5th, I was taking a bath and I was having bad contractions so I just stayed in the bath a little longer till I had the real bad contractions and I did like 5 minutes later. So, I got out and called my mom and said asked, “tell me when your contractions starts and stops” so I did. And they were like 30 seconds apart. So 10 minutes later, my mom comes home and I was here at the house getting something to eat at the time it was 11. and mom got her some food and we hept counting how far my contractions were and they were 10 seconds apart, I couldn’t sit down when I had them I had to stand up and breathe (The best way to do it). And mom kept telling me that we need to go but I wanted to finish eating so I did. Well it was like 11:30 when I was being taken to the hospital and they put all them monitors on me and everything and checked and see if I dilated more I did I was at 8 centimeters and just one day. Well I was just sitting there in the room and I just started crying because I wanted Tim to be there and I kept calling his house and he didn’t answer the phone so, the doctors come back where I was and asked what was wrong and I said I want my boyfriend to be here with me. I was afraid that he would miss his son being born. But my mom called him and told him I was in the hospital about to have Shawn and he got there in like 20 minutes and his mom was already there with me. I glad he has a friend like, Timmy, because if it wasn’t for him Tim wouldn’t have been there to see Shawn be born! Thanks Timmy but they took me in the delivery room and everything. The doctors were real nice and everything. I just couldn’t believe that I was about to have a baby! But every time I would have a contraction the nurse would tell me to push so I did (helped out A LOT). So it was 3:40p.m. and the doctors told me to PUSH so I did and Shawn was in the world in about 11 minutes. I had the epidural so that helped a lot. But Tim told me after I had him that I was trying to break his finger and that’s funny I didn’t know I was doing that. But as soon as Shawn came out he pee’d all over the doctor that delivered him and two nurses. I got to hold Shawn 5 minutes after I had him because he had to get cleaned up and all. But they had to stitch me up cause I ripped. But I had like a million people come and see Shawn, me, and Tim, I glad I have a lot of people that care about me. We left on January 8th and returned home. Shawn is getting big and its going by soo fast, Now I know when parents tell me enjoy it while it last. But after Shawn was her all I did was, I bitched cause he was out with his friends all the time and not with me and Shawn, but he was over here for first week Shawn was born. He had no job, no car, tickets. Then one day he really pissed me off and I said alot of shit I shouldnt have and so did he and I said it was over so he went out and brought Shawn diapers, clothes, fomula, and stuff like that. [only time] Then it was good for a few days got back together and all. Til once again I found a girls number and his cell phone text message and all and find out he went to her house and everything I told him what really went down with me and Mikey I holded back for a year and he got pissed ,til this day that happened and i swore on Shawn's life. Broke up again. Then at the star just recently, him and Timmy [FlewByUrGt] decide to make fun of me cause I told Timmy which is 21 who dates 13 14 year old that he was controlling, and just wants to take girls virginities and shit and they joked about that shit. So I was like Im leaving and Tim walked after me and yelling MELISSA STOP AND TALK TO ME and I didnt stop then he grabed me the wrong way [he say cause he wanted to say bye to Shawn] well I threw a bottle at him, then he pushed me with me holding Shawn in his carseat [he denys he did but he did, when he gets mad he forgets whut he did] then I put Shawn down and pushed his ass on the ground, I walk to the car he gets up and yells I fucking hate you I hope you get cancer and all. So I threw the camera at him. Then he gets in Timmy's car and all so I went over there and raised hell. Then he calls me bitchin more and more calls back and back again cause I kept hangin up on him. Then he calls me at my house saying he was sorry and everything. and Now he saying there sumthing wrong with me and never wants to get back together and everything. So Im going to the court and getting higher child support cause I got him the lowest you can get where he just has to pay for medicaid and all cause I thought me and him was going to last but we didnt. Don’t get me wrong or nething I love him with all my heart but I just cant do it. I cant be hurt again by him.
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