Apr 16, 2010 16:54
Listen, I'm just calling to say that... Well, I don't suppose anybody was worried, but still. I'm quite fine, and there's no need to worry. I'm a responsible adult, and I know how to take care of myself. Honestly, there's... [The sound of distracted ripping of the mail.]
....... AHAHAHAhahaahahahahahaha fuuuuck this bollocks because... because that's what the lot of you are, you're all bollocks with that fucking... AHAHAHAHAHAHAhahaha, fuck off--the lot of you--got--I've got plenty of... plenty of friends and AHAHAHAHAHA hahaha... hahaha...
Sod America just sod that git wh-who needs friends? I don't need friendsss because I gots... I gots , I have... HAHAHAHAHAHa... f-afiry friendssss... faaairy frienessss... AHAhaha... oh, fuk it all, it's too sodding hot for thissss...ssss......
[England can be spotted wandering around, all whilst methodically and with a very concentrated look on his face, taking off his clothes. This is more England than you will want to see.]