Детонационные двигатели и патент Scott CLAFLIN на эту тему

Dec 05, 2016 22:04

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Эксперимент в Purdue Propulsion

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Испытания LOX/NG RDE

SACRAMENTO, Calif., Nov. 29, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Aerojet Rocketdyne, a subsidiary of Aerojet Rocketdyne Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:AJRD), has signed a cooperative agreement with the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) of the U.S. Department of Energy to develop air-breathing rotating detonation engine (RDE) technology that could enable the combined cycle efficiency of natural gas-fueled power plants to exceed 65 percent - a significant improvement over current technology.

The RDE agreement, valued at $6.8 million, is for the Phase II program that provides value to the Department of Energy by leveraging ongoing RDE development activities and expertise of Aerojet Rocketdyne's work with Purdue University, University of Michigan, University of Alabama, University of Central Florida and Southwest Research Institute.

System and method of combustion for sustaining a continuous detonation wave with transient plasma
US 20120151898 A1


An annular combustion (22) chamber and a transient plasma system (42) in communication with the annular combustion chamber (22) to sustain a spinning detonation wave. This system (42) is also called as “nanosecond pulsed plasma” system and a pulse generator (48) operates to generate by energy but intense high voltage pulses to provide tansient plasma (p); increasing the reactivity of the chemical species of the popelllants. The propulsion relies on constant pressure combustion (CDWE).


Ротационные детонационные двигатели http://is2006.livejournal.com/475254.html
Импульсный детонационный ракетный двигатель (патент РФ № 2442008) http://is2006.livejournal.com/1377353.html
Возможен ли детонационный двигатель? Статья от создателя роторного двигателя И. Исаева http://is2006.livejournal.com/401691.html
Детонационный двигатель внутреннего сгорания (патент РФ № 2298106) http://is2006.livejournal.com/1212827.html
Детонационный двигатель внутреннего сгорания http://is2006.livejournal.com/1240189.html
Пульсирующие детонационные двигатели http://is2006.livejournal.com/475529.html
Как рождался пульсирующий воздушно-реактивный двигатель http://is2006.livejournal.com/401509.html
Испытание детонационного ЖРД http://is2006.livejournal.com/1999012.html

Патенты, Двигатели, Изобретательство

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