Link roundup!

Dec 14, 2010 11:34

Lots of goodies going on this week!

First of all, if you haven’t already seen this, you can read the first chapter of MY FAIR SUCCUBI over at the Simon & Schuster website. Yay!!

MY FAIR SUCCUBI also got a lovely review over at Katiebabs’s Babbling About Books review blog, and she mentions some tricksy things that I included in the book…including a new character.

I also guested over at Parajunkee yesterday, talking about what a day in the life of Jill looks like. Warning - it’s kind of sad and lame.

If you haven’t already seen this, there’s a giveaway of my books over at Patricia’s Vampire Notes and I talk a little bit about the mythology of succubi and how I sorta warped it to make my books work.

And there is a BIG giveaway over at All Things Urban Fantasy today! They’re giving away all 3 books (3 sets of them!) so check it out.


*runs around in circles*

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