Seriously guys! Is it something in the water? I have seen far, far too many rants pop up on the internet this week. Stuff is not ideal, of course - it never is, but it’s rarely so bad that it requires the frothing anger I have seen as of late. And no, this is not directed to anyone specific as much as it is a general sort of feeling. There’s anger everywhere - and a lot of it seems to be stemming from the news.
So everyone has homework this week. I would like for you all to go and read something fun and escapist. Take a few minutes out of your day and enjoy what the world has to offer. I am currently reading:
It’s adorable and clever and just the thing if you like your YA clean and charming. Or perhaps you should read:
I have read this one and it is totally fabulous. Ilona Andrews has really outdone herself - Cerise is strong and awesome, and William is great as the reluctant hero who is alternately vexed and perplexed by his feelings for the heroine. Awesome world, great ending, and a nice thick chunk of a read for your $7. Or maybe you want something a little lighter?
Michelle Rowen’s next book in her DEMON IN ME series is bound to be super fun and full of the awesome wit that characterizes all of her books. And dig this hot cover. Yum. Or perhaps you are in the mood for something that you have never experienced before?
Steampunk romance. This book is flat out amazing. You must go buy it now. The world is built in the most intricate and fascinating ways, but that doesn’t hold a candle to the steamy romance between Rhys and Mina, the main characters. Hot hot hot, lots of airships, and lots of women in bustles being badasses. It totally made my year.
Now, some of these aren’t out this week (though I hear online retailers are shipping early…shhh!) but if you can’t get a hold of them, read something else. Relax. Appreciate the world around you. And let’s go back to angry next week.
Mirrored from
Jill Myles Dot Com.