спать или не спать?

Aug 13, 2009 17:35

Вот такая группа есть в face book: People who don't sleep enough because they stay up late for no reason

Вот такие люди там тусуются: It's 5am, you're still up. You have no good reason to be up. You have to wake up at 8:30 in the morning. You know you're going to be tired as hell the next day but you just can't bring yourself to go to sleep like everyone else. You're not really an insomniac, you just have some mental block when it comes to going to bed.

Who needs 8 hours of sleep anyway? If you live to be 90, that's 30 years of your life spent unconscious, right? That's bullshit. You can spend the time better. Besides, you're too busy in the day, you can only relax at night. If you've ever rationalized your needless lack of sleep this way, you belong in this group, so you can help explain why I'm writing this at 3:40am.

Присоединиться что ли...может научат, как не спать и при этом чувствовать себя человеком??? Очень актуально at the moment...

Кудашкин как-то говорил, что по 3 часа спит и не страдает...КАК ЭТО??? Я тоже хочу так уметь! Вот только чем больше пытаюсь, тем хреновее себя чувствую


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