(no subject)

Jun 08, 2011 00:39

X-Men First Class, how'd you end up so good with such shitty marketing? I'm confused, but pleasantly surprised. But January Jones continues to baffle me with her ability to get roles in films despite the fact that she literally does not possess one iota of acting ability.

ANYWAY. Meme time!

Day Three: Favourite Companion(s) in Mass Effect 2

You guys ready for this? Because I have lots. Lots and lots. Unsurprising, given how many companions there are in the game, but still. I can't narrow things down at all. I JUST HAVE A LOT OF LOVE IN ME, OKAY?

"We're going to lose people. No way around that. Not a happy analysis, I know. Don't worry, I won't spread it around. And I'm with you, regardless."

GARRUS! AGAIN! I can't help it, he's just that amazing that he needs to be mentioned twice. Like I said in the other post, I really loved how Garrus ended up as an equal to Shepard. Or, as close as you can get, I guess. Your reunion with him is both touching and badass, and you really feel like you have a best friend in him no matter what happens.

And his romance is so dorky adorable, even if I do get kinda "ehhh" with the way Shepard handles it. That's kind of how I felt about all of the romances for fShep though, to be honest. The guys are great, but Shepard has the tact of a rampaging elephant half the damn time. OH WELL.

What I really loved about Garrus' presence in ME2, aside from what I've already said, is seeing how your influence on him in ME1 effects his loyalty mission. It's only a few lines of dialogue that changes, but there's something really cool about seeing how your encouragement stuck with him all this time and helped to shape who he became.

Now, if he'd stop calibrating...

Mordin. How much do I love Mordin? More than I can say, to be honest. He's utterly hilarious without meaning to be, he's brilliant and calculating and he sings and and and...
He is the very model of a scientist salarian, you guys. ;D

Jacob. I know, I know, everyone hates Jacob and he's boring and he sucks and THE PRIIIIZE and I really don't even care because I love Jacob. I love how he has his shit together and the only time he asks you for help is when he's like "this is really weird and I don't know what to make of it, do you mind helping me maybe? I'm not hung up about it or anything because I'm a grown ass man, but still, it'd be nice. If that's okay, I mean." I love how rather than just sulk about the Alliance dicking him around, he went out and found a place for himself, and I love how, at the end, he's like "LOL Shepard, what we just did was all kind of awesome, take that, Cerberus!"

And his chest-bump of brohood? Made me grin like an idiot. So on my first playthrough, I was like "Jacob, you are really cool, dude" And then, on my second playthrough, for my bitchy fRenegadeShep who didn't romance anyone in ME1 because she didn't connect to Kaidan or Liara?

Yeah, I don't know how that happened either. Initially, I headcanoned that she was flirting with him because it made him uncomfortable (which it does, at first. It's refreshing, tbh) because she hated Cerberus, but then he started tripping all over his words and she was like "HEEHEEHEE *torments*" and then it started becoming less about bugging him (or "trying to push his buttons", as he puts it) and more about trying to figure him out, because he does not want to talk about how he feels. And Renegade Shepard thought she was the same way, but then he turned around all her prodding to ask what was bothering her. And that was the first time in the entire franchise that anyone had done that, so I was like "...;3; *CONFESSES EVERYTHING*"

AND SHE ASKS HIM TO JUST TELL HER THAT HE LOVES HER AT ONE POINT AND HE WON'T. XD He's like "I don't need to say it...you know it in everything that I do." WHICH IS SWEET...but then, in his final romance scene, if you pick the renegade option when he first shows up, HE FINALLY SAYS "OKAY I'M NOT HERE TO TALK, I'M HERE BECAUSE WE COULD DIE AND I WANT YOU AND I LOVE YOU" and it was the only romance to have a love confession with those words and given how neither of them were willing to talk about how they were feeling initially it was a relationship full of crazy amounts of growth. ♥

...and all of that is how my tough-as-nails Renegade Shepard fell in love accidentally. Whups. Anyways, Jacob's great shush. I don't care if I'm in a fanclub of like five people worldwide, I love him. XD

JACK. She's my favourite female LI in ME2, derp. You get so much more character depth from her if you romance her, and her loyalty mission is really haunting. But more than that, she's fucking AWESOME in battle, especially if you fully max out her shockwave skill. Bringing her along on Thane's recruitment mission is a beautiful thing, because she'll send a shockwave up those bridges and it's like a bowling game. Amazing.

It's really, really unfortunate how little you get from her character if you play as a female Shepard. She's had the shittiest of shit lives, and she's completely messed up from it, but it's only through a romance that you get to see the other side of her. Which has a whole load of Unfortunate Implications, but whatever. I actually really enjoyed dudeShep not taking her "stay awaaay I'm fucked up" excuses. He's like "Yeah okay, so are we all. You can deal with this stuff on your own all you want...I'll just be right here the entire time anyways lol".

Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing what ME3 does with her, and my fSheps better get to actually be her friend for once, ffs. >:|

"In another time...another life..."
"Find peace in the embrace of the Goddess"

Samara. Omg Samara, y u so gorgeous? I can't even with how pretty she is. Samara offers up insight into a side of the asari culture that we haven't seen before, and her entire story is so tragic that I just want to hug her. BUT NO. BIOWARE WON'T LET ME ROMANCE HER FULLY. She's the Sebastian of ME2 and it makes me sad. I'd take her over Liara for some mind bendy asari lovin' anytime. T_T

"Hock's a weapons dealer and smuggler. He killed my partner and stole his greybox. Other that that? He's not so bad!"

Kasumi was worth every damn penny I spent on her dlc. She's my favourite kind of character: a super-confident thief ("Is this going to be a problem?" "Please! Remember who you're dealing with!")
, full of one liners and a sad little story that doesn't totally define her. She's also fabulous in battle. Fab. U. Lous. And talking to her on the the Normandy is incredible just for the cheerful amount of gossip that she'll share with you. And she likes Jacob too, so that's a plus in my books. She's just...I want to have a slumber party in my quarters with her, Kelly and Tali where we can gossip and have a girly ol' time together, tbh.


TALI! With added Legion because he's on this list too. Tali really comes into her own in this game, and seeing her as so much more than just an eager young quarian on her pilgrimage is so rewarding. You really feel like she's grown up, and it's nice to see that you helped her become who she is. Hugging Tali was one of the highlights of the game for me, easily. Even my douchiest Shepards hug her.

"...There was a hole."

image Click to view

Ughhhhh Legiooooon. I love him so muuuuuuch. Bioware really outdid themselves when they came up with him, because he not only takes your preconceived notions about the geth and turns them on their head, but they also make you question how you feel about the quarians as well. The near-hero worship of Shepard is adorable, and it PAINS me how late in the game you have to get him in order to have the happiest ending possible. I mean, I'd love to be able to bring him along to recruit Tali because those scenes are golden, but I love Ken and Gabby and Rupert and Hadley and alla my crew too much to let that happen. :'(

But Legion is just...just...amazing.

Day Four: Favourite Story-line Mission.

Honestly? Noveria. I hate getting to the end of it (ESPECIALLY INSIDE THE GDAMN HOT LABS UGHHHHH), but bringing Liara along to deal with her mother always, always gets to me. "Little Wing". Ugh. My heart.

Day Five: Favourite Loyalty Mission.

Mordin's, easily. I still get all emotional going through it, where he says that little prayer over the dead female krogan. Hearing how passionate Mordin gets throughout the mission is another thing that just...gets to me. He's normally so detached and scientific, but in this mission you can hear his outrage and feel his sorrow and regret, and for such a character, it's really poignant. Plus, you get this amazing bit of banter if you bring Garrus along:

image Click to view

Runners up: Legion's, Tali's and Jack's.

Day Six: Favourite Side Quest.
Day Seven: Favourite Alien species.
Day Eight: Anything you wish they had kept from Mass Effect, in Mass Effect 2?
Day Nine: Best piece of DLC.
Day Ten: Favourite Weapon(s)
Day Eleven: Favourite antagonist.
Day Twelve: Favourite human character (Other than Shepard)
Day Thirteen: Favourite Turian.
Day Fourteen: Favourite Asari.
Day Fifteen: Favourite Salarian.
Day Sixteen: Favourite Krogan.
Day Seventeen: Favourite Quarian.
Day Eighteen: Things you’d like to see in Mass Effect 3.
Day Nineteen: Other game genres you’d like to see covered by Mass Effect.
Day Twenty: MaleShep or FemShep? Why?
Day Twenty One: Favourite piece of music.
Day Twenty Two: Favourite book.
Day Twenty Three: If one of the companions got a spin-off game. Which would you like it to be?
Day Twenty Four: Favourite Class in Mass Effect.
Day Twenty Five: Favourite Class in Mass Effect 2.
Day Twenty Six: Least Favourite Companion.
Day Twenty Seven: Opinions on the Genophage.
Day Twenty Eight: Opinions on Quarian/Geth conflict.
Day Twenty Nine: What made you first want to play Mass Effect?
Day Thirty: What do you love most about Mass Effect?

30 days of mass effect, meme

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