Yay Mass Effect meme!

Jun 04, 2011 02:43

I'm going to do that "30 Days of Dragon Age" meme eventually, I swear, but I'm doing the Mass Effect one first :3

Day One: Do you prefer Mass Effect, or Mass Effect 2?

Easily. That isn't to say that I didn't like Mass Effect, or that I dislike it, but after playing both games it's easy to see how ME2 improves upon its predecessor in the the best ways possible. Honestly, I just had more fun playing ME2. There were more humanizing moments for Shepard (drinking with Chakwas and choosing who to make your toast out to, visiting the Normandy Crash Site, reuniting with all your old friends, etc etc), there were a dozen little things that made you feel like the things you'd done in ME1 actually meant something, paragon/renegade interrupts are amazing, the controls are better...just...ME2, every time.

I will have to say that I enjoyed the camaraderie in ME1 much more than in ME2 though. In ME2, the squad didn't really feel like a team to me, and it has everything to do with the fact that, aside from a few scattered scenes here and there and like two banters in the entire game, your party members all hang out in different rooms on the ship and don't talk to each other. It felt like the only thing they had in common at all was Shepard, and when you compare that to the rapport of ME1 it feels a little hollow. I missed hearing Kaidan and Ashley chat like buddies, or try to learn more about their alien pals. The sole banter between Garrus and Tali in ME2 just made me miss squad interaction like burning

Also, for all my bitching about it, I'd take the Mako over the gdamn Hammerhead ANY. DAY. OF. THE. WEEK.

Day Two: Favourite Companion(s) in Mass Effect
Day Three: Favourite Companion(s) in Mass Effect 2
Day Four: Favourite Story-line Mission.
Day Five: Favourite Loyalty Mission.
Day Six: Favourite Side Quest.
Day Seven: Favourite Alien species.
Day Eight: Anything you wish they had kept from Mass Effect, in Mass Effect 2?
Day Nine: Best piece of DLC.
Day Ten: Favourite Weapon(s)
Day Eleven: Favourite antagonist.
Day Twelve: Favourite human character (Other than Shepard)
Day Thirteen: Favourite Turian.
Day Fourteen: Favourite Asari.
Day Fifteen: Favourite Salarian.
Day Sixteen: Favourite Krogan.
Day Seventeen: Favourite Quarian.
Day Eighteen: Things you’d like to see in Mass Effect 3.
Day Nineteen: Other game genres you’d like to see covered by Mass Effect.
Day Twenty: MaleShep or FemShep? Why?
Day Twenty One: Favourite piece of music.
Day Twenty Two: Favourite book.
Day Twenty Three: If one of the companions got a spin-off game. Which would you like it to be?
Day Twenty Four: Favourite Class in Mass Effect.
Day Twenty Five: Favourite Class in Mass Effect 2.
Day Twenty Six: Least Favourite Companion.
Day Twenty Seven: Opinions on the Genophage.
Day Twenty Eight: Opinions on Quarian/Geth conflict.
Day Twenty Nine: What made you first want to play Mass Effect?
Day Thirty: What do you love most about Mass Effect?

30 days of mass effect, meme

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