this looks almost painful

Jan 09, 2006 12:13

Have any of you gone through the rigamarow(sp?) of trying to actually get your credit report FREE?! I mean not pay for it at all and actually look at it and take it with you? It's not as easy as I first thought just so you know. After my vigorous search of the bowels of credit agencies (3) I finally found it free and clear, no greenbacks necessary! I print it out and look at it....and it's not as bad as I thought it would be. Looks like i'm only about $5500 in debt and that includes student loans and everything! YES YOU WILL LOOK UPON MY NOT-MUCH-DEBTNESS AND BE JEALOUS! J/K guys, although I do see this as something that I can work my way out of within the next 3 years tops if I continue to work my ass off......and it's still there for some reason.....

Tiredness overcomes me....gonna try to stay up tonight though because I'm off tomorrow and I have painting and video games to play while the 2nd is napping or something.

Confucius say "Man standing with hands in pants.....feel cocky."

Everyone have a great day, and remember, the little shit really doesn't matter.....unless it affects your credit ^^;
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