Jun 30, 2009 16:49
Sophia Uni results came out today.
I GOT ACCEPTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can now die in Japan and get my body buried next to Obaachan! lol XDDD
I got in trouble at work but I was all smily and teary-eyed lol
Obaachan was really by my side. I even heard Obaachan call my name yesterday (her birthday) while making breakfast. For real. おばあちゃん、本当にアリガトウ。
It feels like a dream...coming from a shitty highschool to an elite university. And the fact that it's harder to get accepted into universities here...
Anyways, I'm happy.. Singing to happy Ayaka & Arashi songs.
Yay! 8DDD
other: life