Экзотические пейзажи. Часть 9

Jan 12, 2023 10:37

Frederic Edwin Church - Cotopaxi

Martin Johnson Heade - Sunrise in Nicaragua

Marianne North - Bamboos and Cocoanut Palm

Ludwig Gurlitt - View of the Port of Ragusa

Victor Huguet - At the Edge of the Oasis

Hermann Ottomar Herzog - Fishing on the Gulf Coast, Florida

Prosper Georges Antoine Marilhat - Palm Trees

José Ferraz de Almeida Júnior - Landscape at the Rio das Pedras

Константин Горбатов - Восточная фантазия

Marguerite Blasingame - Wild Tropical Waikiki Beach

Часть 1, Часть 2, Часть 3, Часть 4, Часть 5, Часть 6, Часть 7, Часть 8

series, landscape, exotic

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